Create Your Own Installer - NSIS Script


Staff member
Aug 29, 2010
If you want to create an installer for your mods I've made it very easy, all you need to do is install NSIS, download this pack and alter two lines of a text file :) It will take you 10minutes at the most!

Note: You only need to carry out the first three instructions the first time you create an installer! :)
  1. Download NSIS from HERE and install it.
  2. Download the script pack from HERE
  3. Extract the script pack into its own directory.
  4. Open MtG NSIS Installer Script.nsi in a text editor (will open in notepad by default)
  5. Find these lines just below the top of the file:
    • !define modname "MOD NAME GOES HERE"
    • !define modder "YOUR MTG USERNAME GOES HERE"
    and replace the text with what it says, leaving the quote marks in place.
  6. Save the file and close it.
  7. Copy your mods folders (i.e. texture, datatables etc.) into the "swg" directory contained in the script pack.
  8. Right click on MtG NSIS Installer Script.nsi and click on "Compile NSIS Script" If this option doesn't appear then follow these steps:
    • Go to the directory in which you installed NSIS and open "makensisw.exe"
    • Drag the file MtG NSIS Installer Script.nsi into the white part of the MakeNSISW window.
  9. The script will compile automatically and you should have a new installer file (named whatever you put as your mod name) in the script pack directory!
  10. Test your installer to make sure it works.
  11. You're done!
I Already Know How to Use NSIS!
Great! Then here's the even quicker instructions just for you! :)
  1. Download the script pack from HERE and extract it into its own directory.
  2. Open the NSI file and find these lines just below the top of the file:
    • !define modname "MOD NAME GOES HERE"
    • !define modder "YOUR MTG USERNAME GOES HERE"
    and replace the text with what it says, leaving the quote marks in place.
  3. Save and close the NSI file.
  4. Copy your mods folders (i.e. texture, datatables etc.) into the "swg" directory contained in the script pack.
  5. Compile the script, you're done!
Thanks to Tonberry for creating the great image you see down the side of the installer and the awesome confirmation page at the end!


New Member
Dec 13, 2011
I just tried to download the script pack this but got a 404 for the download (it appears it is/was hosted by MTG)

is there anyway to get this again?
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