Admin rights - at a dead end!


New Member
Feb 1, 2025
Hi all,

Starting to mess around with some modding, but I am coming up against a struggle already;

I am unable to grant admin access to my character/account - or I should say, have my admin access recognised in game.

I have already updated the user.cfg file, and the swgemu.cfg files (adding the required code to user.cfg and removing the # on swgemu.cfg)
I have ensured the account id has level 15 access in the database
I have ensured that the appropriate skillsets are permitted by the staff/level of admin, I even copied those skillsets to the staff/level of player too, (thought was that I could just use the admin controls on all characters I set up without having to increase them to admin level each time).

Have restarted server many times, recompiled it all a few times etc.

Am I missing something? My test for this is to login to the character, and try to activate godmode or use /spawnnpc or /spawncreature commands.

When I use /setgodMode on it tells me I do not have sufficient access, when I use /spawnnpc or /spawncreature either as it is or with the required creature name and location etc I get nothing...

Hope you can point me in the right direction!!!


Oct 10, 2017
From a terminal

mariadb -uswgemu -pYOURPASSWORD (maybe 123456?) swgemu -e "UPDATE accounts SET admin_level = '15' WHERE username = 'yourAccount';"
And then make a toon. That should NOT be created before admin level assignment.

/setgodmode firstname on/off

Never do /setgodmode firstname on/off lowerLevel (from a higher admin level or you'll lose that high level).
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