Galactic Strategy - Droid Wars


New Member
Jun 11, 2015
So, here is an idea on how to add a strategic macro-level game play. This scales well for the single player up to entire guilds to dedicate their resources to (with single players being able to opt out of the map mode until they feel they are strong enough, and then maybe settle on controlling a small part of the map).

From this framework, it can be expanded to include a lot more types of game play and additional complexity.

Anyone bored that wants to make it happen? :p Most of this is just scripting -_-

High Level Overview

Creating a system of dynamic minor goals that pit players against each other in a more strategic fashion and allow players to compete against each other on a macro planetary level.

Scope - For solo players up to guilds.

PART 1 - Patrols -

Schematics: ((These result in an a non stackable item of their matching Droid chassis))

Scouting Patrol - Requires 5 DZ70 Droid Chassis - +30 scouting ((chance to avoid combat))

Offensive Patrol - Requires 5 Battle Droid Chassis - +30 offense ((chance to defeat enemies))

Defensive Patrol - Requires 5 R5 Droid Chassis - +30 defense ((chance to defend against enemies))

Mission Control (Terminal with dialogue boxes)

Send Patrol - Allows you to send out a patrol of up to 3 patrol units.

Dialogue Tree (simplified)- If over 3 in total is selected, will deny dialogue

Send patrol-

Add Scouts
Add Offense
Add Defense
Launch Patrol ((Checks to ensure maximum of 3, checks inventory for matching patrol items and removes them))

Effectively this is just a way to decide which mission the player should go on. 300, 030, 003, 111, 120, 102, 201, 210, 012, 021, 101, 110, 011, 100, 010, 001….so 16 missions possible of different combinations.

These missions auto-complete in 15-30 minutes, using their corresponding statistics.

For example, a 120 mission would be 1 scout, 2 aggressive, and 0 defense. Or, 30 scouting, 60 aggression, 0 defense.

First checks for an “aggressive event”. There is a 50% chance for an offensive aggressive and a 20% chance for a defensive aggressive encounters (with a 30% chance for non aggressive patrol).

If aggressive, then checks 30% chance (from scout unit) to avoid combat altogether. If it passes the check, it rolls from a scout reward pile and ends.

If aggressive and fails to avoid combat, it then checks against its corresponding offensive or defensive stat (plus 50% of the other defensive or offensive stat).

So, in the above example of a 1-2-0 mission, assuming the outcome was a defensive aggressive encounter, the mission would roll a 0 (defense value) + 30 (0.5 x 60 offensive value) = 30 percent chance to survive.

If the roll is failed, it then offers a “survivor” roll of 20 percent for each member of the troop (giving you this troop back on completion). So, in the above example, you have a 20 percent chance to save each unit if you failed to defend.


On mission complete, you are given chances for -

Units (surviving units)
Mission Plans (these are used to begin other types of missions, more listed below)


This is phase 2 of your patrols, where you take information gathered from your patrols into specialized missions.

Mission Plan types -

Shipment Schedule (Lots of Credits) - 70 percent offensive chance, 30 percent defensive
High Tech Bunker Attack (Industrial Parts) - 50 percent offensive chance, 50 percent defensive
Science Facility Raid (Elite Droid Schematics) - 80 percent offensive chance, 20 percent defensive
Researcher Escort (Experimental Technology) - 80 percent defensive chance, 20 percent offensive

As before, you are able to go through dialogue boxes to initiate each of these types of missions...and as before, you are able to select up to 3 units to carry out the mission. Each gives some credits, but the notable rewards are listed (such as shipment schedule giving 500k + of credits on completion).

The other missions have a chance to drop rare parts that are assembled into an elite-droid unit. These are extremely powerful secret weapons that you can deploy in the planetary control game.


Now, this is where things become PVP enabled.

You will be able to access a planetary map of your current planet with a fog of war and that has been gridded out (much like a chess board).

Starting from the location tile you are stationed in, you will be able to see 1 tile in every direction around you (showing who owns that territory and the total number of stationed troops there, no maximum).

You must first control the tile you are on to be able to place units (meaning you may need to battle whoever is on your tile to begin planetary maneuvers). Since this is your “home tile”, you will only be able to add more troops if you control this tile. You will only be able to reinforce other troops on the map if they are connected to this home tile by other tiles you control (so cutting off someones supply lines that are overreaching is a strategy to cut off an army from reinforcements).

Then, you will be able to move units to another tile once every 4 hours. This includes reinforcing commands (adding more units to the playfield), attacking other tiles (moving units from one tile to another), and so on. There is no limit to the number of troops you can have on one tile at a time.

On the planetary grid will also be some “strategic advantage” points. Controlling one of these tiles will give different bonuses at the end of the week (such as special schematics, or lots of credits, or other things like that).

Combat resolution -

Since you can have any number of troops on these tiles, the game will still follow the stats listed for troops above (with elite troops having stats like 300 offense and 300 defense).

So, lets say you have 10 scout, 10 defensive, and 10 offensive troops….and you are attacked by someone with 30 offensive troops.

You would have a total of 300 scouting, 300 defensive, and 300 offensive. They would have 900 offensive.

Unlike before, you would first resolve the attack vs your defenses. So, 900 vs your 450 (300 defensive + 150). 30 = a kill. So they would kill 30 of your units, and you would kill 15 of theirs (randomly taken from your units).

THEN your scouting units would use their 300 (10 units worth) to save that number of your units. Meaning your total losses would be 20 units, and they would have lost 15.

They would take the tile, your army would be defeated, and those 10 units that survived would be added to your home tile ((10 units are selected randomly from scout, defensive, and offensive)). ((If the tile in question IS your home tile, then the units would be added to your inventory and you would be booted from the world map, needing to retake your home tile again before being able to control your units again)).

Note: Attacking with scouting units in your attacking troop would stop the enemy from being able to escape. So if they had 10 additional scouting units when they attacked, they would have prevented your 10 units from escaping.


In order to reflect these battles and points of control, spawners on planets could be adjusted to randomly spawn droid patrols (as they do with monsters).

There is a lot more you can do with it (such as having real-world operations on countdown that engage PVP), but I think overall this would be a good framework to begin with...and then expand from.
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