Request: Extract Astromech Sound Files


New Member
Aug 4, 2024
Hello there!

I was hoping someone would be able to help me with an unusual request. I am a droid builder and I am looking for someone to extract the astromech sounds from the game so I can upload them to my droid.

I used to play SWG back in the day, so you could imagine my surprise when R5-D4 used sounds from the game on the most recent season of the Mandalorian! I’m hoping someone can help me export these sounds so I can make my R5-D4 replica even more authentic. Thank you!



New Member
Aug 4, 2024
Is anyone able and to help me with this request? I’ve tried to do it on my own but I don’t have access to a PC, and I can’t find a Mac friendly way of accessing the game files.


Oct 10, 2017
This is a SWGEmu Mod forum. I don't understand your request when there are other possible sites you can search. Anyway, if I'm not wrong, I think there're no sounds for a specific astromech, in this case R5.
Google is your friend. R2-d2-sounds.
* It was pretty easy to find some. Enjoy them. ;) They are of very good quality for your Offtopic purpose. They're even higher quality than the ones in the game.

Next time, these kinds of requests will be denied because they have nothing to do with the forum topic.



New Member
Aug 4, 2024
This is a SWGEmu Mod forum. I don't understand your request when there are other possible sites you can search. Anyway, if I'm not wrong, I think there're no sounds for a specific astromech, in this case R5.
Google is your friend. R2-d2-sounds.
* It was pretty easy to find some. Enjoy them. ;) They are of very good quality for your Offtopic purpose. They're even higher quality than the ones in the game.

Next time, these kinds of requests will be denied because they have nothing to do with the forum topic.

Apologies for any offense cause. Before I leave this thread for good, I would like to explain myself further.

David W Collins was a sound designer for Star Wars Galaxies. Has has since become a full fledged sound designer at Skywalker Sound, and has worked on many projects including the Mandalorian TV show. For R5-D4 as he appears on the show, he used the droid sounds he originally created for SWG. That is why I am seeking out these sound files specifically and not just generic googled R2-D2 sounds.

Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience. I understand that my request falls outside the intended purpose of this forum, but I hoped that individuals who modify the game might be in a good position to assist me. I'll seek help elsewhere.



Oct 10, 2017
The problem is that if no one has done it yet, it's because they don't see the point or they lack those sounds. SWG had several versions. Those files might be in the last known SWG version. I don't know. As I said, and from my ignorance, I think there are no more files than the generic R2 type in the game.

* BTW i love those boxes :p
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