- Joined
- Oct 13, 2010
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Have you tried just copy and pasting the contents of the psh/vsh programs into the edit box and modifying as needed?Timbab said:Thanks for the link!
Problem is, from what I can see, it only supports .fx? Which are complete shaders (psh/vsh combined). I guess you could split them, haven't done it successfully yet, I totally lack experience.
Edit: Actually, it might work, gonna check it out.
Have you tried manually performing the role of a pre-processor? Ie. Copy/pasting the contents of the #include file into the file replacing the #include line?Timbab said:I keep getting a "include interface required to support #include from resource or memory", I linked it right though.
I keep getting errors about "unexpected point token" when I test out the vertex shaders and includes, and I'm not sure why.Tonberry said:Nice find Mech, hopefully we can make it work.
Speaking of that, I think I made a discovery:Timbab said:I was testing out a .psh file, what you said with copy pasting the includes/functions worked, but now I'm stuck on a "ID3DXEffectCompiler: There were no techniques" error.
technique <Technique_Identifier>
pass <Pass_Identifier>
<Shadertype>= compile <Shader Model Version> <Function Identifier>();
technique Technique1
pass Pass1
PixelShader= compile ps_2_0 main();
Yeah sorry, meant to say EFT when I actually said SHT.Timbab said:Don't you think the EFT is the technique then? EFT handle multipass shading too, all SHT does is direct to EFT, just in some cases it acts as an EFT. Perhaps the EFT is just an extra file split from the SHT, if it acts as technique, if that makes sense.
float4 packedRegister0 : register(c0);
float4 packedRegister1 : register(c1);
float4 packedRegister2 : register(c2);
float4 packedRegister3 : register(c3);
float4 packedRegister4 : register(c4);
float4 textureFactor : register(c5);
float4 textureFactor2 : register(c6);
float4 materialSpecularColor : register(c7);
float4 userConstants[17] : register(c8);
static const float bloomSpecularRgbScale = 0.5;
static const float bloomSpecularAlphaScale = 0.65;
#define dot3LightDirection
#define materialSpecularPower packedRegister0.w
#define dot3LightDiffuseColor packedRegister1.rgb
#define alphaFadeOpacityEnabled packedRegister1.a
#define dot3LightSpecularColor packedRegister2.rgb
#define alphaFadeOpacity packedRegister2.a
#define dot3LightTangentMinusDiffuseColor packedRegister3.rgb
#define bloomEnabled packedRegister3.a
#define dot3LightTangentMinusBackColor packedRegister4.rgb
#define timeElapsed packedRegister4.a
// ======================================================================
// HLSL vertex shader functions
// ======================================================================
float lengthSquared(float3 v)
return dot(v, v);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 signAndBias(float3 v)
return (v - 0.5) * 2.0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 reverseSignAndBias(float3 v)
return (v * 0.5) + 0.5;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 tex2DDxt5CompressedNormal(sampler map, float2 tcs)
float4 pixel = tex2D(map, tcs);
float3 normal = { pixel.a, pixel.y, 1 };
normal = signAndBias(normal);
normal.z = sqrt(1 - (normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y));
return normal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 tex2DDxt5CompressedNormal_ps_14( sampler map, float2 tcs )
float4 pixel = tex2D( map, tcs );
float3 normal = { pixel.a, pixel.y, pixel.z };
normal = signAndBias( normal );
normal.z = 1.0f - (normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y);
// no sqrt( ) available, so we must approximate it
if (normal.z >= 0.24)
normal.z = (normal.z * 0.6667) + 0.375;
normal.z = (normal.z * 1.6667) + 0.15;
return normal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 tex2DDxt5CompressedNormal_ps_14_min_constants( sampler map, float2 tcs )
float4 pixel = tex2D( map, tcs );
float3 normal = { pixel.a, pixel.y, pixel.z };
normal = signAndBias( normal );
float zSquared = 1.0f - (normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y);
// slightly creative rework of above method to reduce instructions and constants
// no sqrt( ) available, so we must approximate it
normal.z = (zSquared * 0.6667) + 0.375;
zSquared -= 0.225; // subtracting the 0.375 that was added to normal.z above and adding 0.15 before the comparison
if (zSquared < 0)
normal.z += zSquared;
return normal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float intensity(float3 rgb)
return dot(rgb, float3(0.3f, 0.59f, 0.11f));
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
// HLSL pixel shader functions
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
float calculateFakeAnisotropicSpecularLighting(float dot3SpecularNoPower)
float tighten = 1.25f;
float powerScale = 0.15f;
return max(0, pow(1 - abs(1 - (dot3SpecularNoPower * tighten)), materialSpecularPower * powerScale) - powerScale);
// ======================================================================
float3 calculateHemisphericLighting(float3 direction, float3 normal, float3 vertexDiffuse)
float dotProduct = dot(direction, normal);
float3 light = vertexDiffuse + dot3LightTangentMinusDiffuseColor + dot3LightDiffuseColor + (-max(0.0, dotProduct) * (dot3LightTangentMinusDiffuseColor));
light += (min(0.0, dotProduct) * (dot3LightTangentMinusBackColor));
return saturate(light);
float3 calculateHemisphericLightingVertexColor(float3 direction, float3 normal, float3 vertexDiffuse, float3 vertexColor)
float dotProduct = dot(direction, normal);
float3 light =
+ dot3LightDiffuseColor
+ -max(0.0, dotProduct) * (dot3LightTangentMinusDiffuseColor)
+ min(0.0, dotProduct) * (dot3LightTangentMinusBackColor)
light = light*vertexColor + vertexDiffuse;
return saturate(light);
float3 calculateHemisphericLightingAlpha(float3 direction, float3 normal, float3 vertexDiffuse, float alpha)
float dotProduct = dot(direction, normal);
float3 allMainLight = saturate(lerp(dotProduct, direction.z, alpha));
float3 light = vertexDiffuse + dot3LightTangentMinusDiffuseColor + dot3LightDiffuseColor + (-max(0.0, allMainLight) * (dot3LightTangentMinusDiffuseColor));
light += (min(0.0, dotProduct) * (dot3LightTangentMinusBackColor));
return saturate(light);
sampler diffuseMap : register(s0);
sampler noiseMap : register(s1);
static const float zeroOffset = 0.5f/255.0f;
float4 main(
in float3 diffuse : COLOR0,
in float2 noiseTc : TEXCOORD0
// Copy the original UVs
float2 alterCoords = noiseTc;
// Alter the UVs by Sin/Cos
alterCoords.x = noiseTc.y + sin(timeElapsed * 0.05f);
alterCoords.y = noiseTc.x + cos(timeElapsed * 0.05f);
// Sample the original texture
float4 final = tex2D(diffuseMap, noiseTc);
//Apply lighting
final.rgb = final.rgb * diffuse;
// Get our displacement values
float2 displace = tex2D(noiseMap, alterCoords).rg;
// Sample the texture by the displaced values.
displace -= 0.5f + zeroOffset;
final *= tex2D(diffuseMap, ( noiseTc.xy + (displace * 0.05f) ) );
return final;
technique Technique1
pass Pass1
PixelShader= compile ps_2_0 main();
static const float zeroOffset = 0.5f/255.0f;
Interesting, maybe the NGE shaders were built more up to spec, because I keep trying the Pre-CU shaders and I'm having no luck.Timbab said:I used the 2d_distort.psh from the NGE
Error X5608: Compiled shader code uses too many artithmetic instruction slots (67). Max. allowed by the target (ps_2_0) is 64.
// ======================================================================
// HLSL vertex shader functions
// ======================================================================
float lengthSquared(float3 v)
return dot(v, v);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 signAndBias(float3 v)
return (v - 0.5) * 2.0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 reverseSignAndBias(float3 v)
return (v * 0.5) + 0.5;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 tex2DDxt5CompressedNormal(sampler map, float2 tcs)
float4 pixel = tex2D(map, tcs);
float3 normal = { pixel.a, pixel.y, 1 };
normal = signAndBias(normal);
normal.z = sqrt(1 - (normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y));
return normal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 tex2DDxt5CompressedNormal_ps_14( sampler map, float2 tcs )
float4 pixel = tex2D( map, tcs );
float3 normal = { pixel.a, pixel.y, pixel.z };
normal = signAndBias( normal );
normal.z = 1.0f - (normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y);
// no sqrt( ) available, so we must approximate it
if (normal.z >= 0.24)
normal.z = (normal.z * 0.6667) + 0.375;
normal.z = (normal.z * 1.6667) + 0.15;
return normal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 tex2DDxt5CompressedNormal_ps_14_min_constants( sampler map, float2 tcs )
float4 pixel = tex2D( map, tcs );
float3 normal = { pixel.a, pixel.y, pixel.z };
normal = signAndBias( normal );
float zSquared = 1.0f - (normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y);
// slightly creative rework of above method to reduce instructions and constants
// no sqrt( ) available, so we must approximate it
normal.z = (zSquared * 0.6667) + 0.375;
zSquared -= 0.225; // subtracting the 0.375 that was added to normal.z above and adding 0.15 before the comparison
if (zSquared < 0)
normal.z += zSquared;
return normal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float intensity(float3 rgb)
return dot(rgb, float3(0.3f, 0.59f, 0.11f));
// ======================================================================
float3 dot3LightDirection : register(c0);
float4 dot3LightDiffuseColor : register(c1);
float4 dot3LightSpecularColor : register(c2);
float4 textureFactor : register(c3);
float4 textureFactor2 : register(c4);
float4 materialSpecularColor : register(c5);
float materialSpecularPower : register(c6);
float4 alphaFadeOpacityHolder : register(c7);
float4 userConstants[17] : register(c8);
static const float bloomSpecularRgbScale = 0.5;
static const float bloomSpecularAlphaScale = 0.65;
#define alphaFadeOpacityEnabled alphaFadeOpacityHolder.r
#define bloomEnabled alphaFadeOpacityHolder.g
#define alphaFadeOpacity alphaFadeOpacityHolder.a
#define bloomEnabled alphaFadeOpacityHolder.g
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
// HLSL pixel shader functions
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
float calculateFakeAnisotropicSpecularLighting(float dot3SpecularNoPower)
float tighten = 1.25f;
float powerScale = 0.15f;
return max(0, pow(1 - abs(1 - (dot3SpecularNoPower * tighten)), materialSpecularPower * powerScale) - powerScale);
sampler s0 : register(s0);
float4 main
in float2 textureCoordinates : TEXCOORD0
float4 result = 0.0f;
float2 textureCoordinateOffsets = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i, textureCoordinateOffsets += userConstants[16].xy)
result += tex2D(s0, textureCoordinates + textureCoordinateOffsets) * userConstants[i];
return result;
technique Technique1
pass Pass1
PixelShader= compile ps_3_0 main();
// ======================================================================
// inputs:
// none
// outputs:
// r7 = cell/ambient lighting
// ======================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// calculate ambient light
#define vPosition v0
#define vNormal v3
#define vPointSize v4
#define vColor0 v5
#define vColor1 v6
#define vTextureCoordinateSet0 v7
#define vTextureCoordinateSet1 v8
#define vTextureCoordinateSet2 v9
#define vTextureCoordinateSet3 v10
#define vTextureCoordinateSet4 v11
#define vTextureCoordinateSet5 v12
#define vTextureCoordinateSet6 v13
#define vTextureCoordinateSet7 v14
#define cObjectWorldCameraProjectionMatrix c0
#define cObjectWorldMatrix c4
#define cCameraPosition c8
#define cViewportData c9
#define cFog c10
#define cMaterial_diffuseColor c11
#define cMaterial_ambientColor c12
#define cMaterial_specularColor c13
#define cMaterial_emissiveColor c14
#define cMaterial_specularPower c15.x
#define cLightData_ambient_ambientColor c16
#define cLightData_parallelSpecular_0_direction c17
#define cLightData_parallelSpecular_0_diffuseColor c18
#define cLightData_parallelSpecular_0_specularColor c19
#define cLightData_parallel_0_direction c20
#define cLightData_parallel_0_diffuseColor c21
#define cLightData_parallel_1_direction c22
#define cLightData_parallel_1_diffuseColor c23
#define cLightData_pointSpecular_0_position c24
#define cLightData_pointSpecular_0_diffuseColor c25
#define cLightData_pointSpecular_0_attenuation c26
#define cLightData_pointSpecular_0_specularColor c27
#define cLightData_point_0_position c28
#define cLightData_point_0_diffuseColor c29
#define cLightData_point_0_attenuation c30
#define cLightData_point_1_position c31
#define cLightData_point_1_diffuseColor c32
#define cLightData_point_1_attenuation c33
#define cLightData_point_2_position c34
#define cLightData_point_2_diffuseColor c35
#define cLightData_point_2_attenuation c36
#define cLightData_point_3_position c37
#define cLightData_point_3_diffuseColor c38
#define cLightData_point_3_attenuation c39
#define cLightData_dot3_0_cameraPosition c40
#define cLightData_dot3_0_direction c41
#define cLightData_dot3_0_diffuseColor c42
#define cLightData_dot3_0_specularColor c43
#define cTextureFactor c44
#define cTextureFactor2 c45
#define cTextureScroll c47
#define cCurrentTime c48
#define cUnitX c49
#define cUnitY c50
#define cUnitZ c51
#define cUserConstant0 c52
#define cUserConstant1 c53
#define cUserConstant2 c54
#define cUserConstant3 c55
#define cUserConstant4 c56
#define cUserConstant5 c57
#define cUserConstant6 c58
#define cUserConstant7 c59
#define c0_0 c95.x
#define c0_5 c95.y
#define c1_0 c95.z
#define cLog2e c95.w
struct Input
float4 position : POSITION0 : register(v0) ;
struct Output
float4 position : POSITION0;
float4 diffuse : COLOR0;
float fog : FOG;
Output main(Input vertex)
Output output;
// transform vertex
output.position = mul(vertex.position, objectWorldCameraProjectionMatrix);
// calculate fog
output.fog = calculateFog(vertex.position);
// calculate lighting
output.diffuse = lightData.ambient.ambientColor + calculateDiffuseLighting(false, vertex.position, normalize(vertex.position));
return output;
technique Technique1
pass Pass1
VertexShader= compile vs_3_0 main();
Line (108.41): error X3004: undeclared identifier 'objectWorldCameraProjectionMatrix'
Line (108.20): error X3013: 'mul': intrinsic function does not take 2 parameters
Line (108.20): error X3013: Possible Functions are:
Line (108.20): error X3013: mul(float, float)
Line (108.20): error X3013: mul(float, floatK)
Line (108.20): error X3013: mul(float, floatLxK)
Line (108.20): error X3013: mul(floatM, float)
You forgot to copy over the definition for objectWorldCameraProjectionMatrix from the vertex constants file.Timbab said:I just tried it with 2d_blur.psh, but had to use ps_3_0 because it gave me this error when I tried compiling it with ps_2_0:
Black screen again in the video player, but it 'runs' fine, I can hear the audio and everything.Code:Error X5608: Compiled shader code uses too many artithmetic instruction slots (67). Max. allowed by the target (ps_2_0) is 64.
I just copy shared_program in there first, then the include from pixel_program, remove any #include's, then add the technique.
Are you trying out shaders written in ASM or HLSL? .VSH seems to be a bit more complex, since it has more code, I'll play around with it later.Code:// ====================================================================== // // HLSL vertex shader functions // ====================================================================== float lengthSquared(float3 v) { return dot(v, v); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 signAndBias(float3 v) { return (v - 0.5) * 2.0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 reverseSignAndBias(float3 v) { return (v * 0.5) + 0.5; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 tex2DDxt5CompressedNormal(sampler map, float2 tcs) { float4 pixel = tex2D(map, tcs); float3 normal = { pixel.a, pixel.y, 1 }; normal = signAndBias(normal); normal.z = sqrt(1 - (normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y)); return normal; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 tex2DDxt5CompressedNormal_ps_14( sampler map, float2 tcs ) { float4 pixel = tex2D( map, tcs ); float3 normal = { pixel.a, pixel.y, pixel.z }; normal = signAndBias( normal ); normal.z = 1.0f - (normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y); // no sqrt( ) available, so we must approximate it if (normal.z >= 0.24) { normal.z = (normal.z * 0.6667) + 0.375; } else { normal.z = (normal.z * 1.6667) + 0.15; } return normal; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 tex2DDxt5CompressedNormal_ps_14_min_constants( sampler map, float2 tcs ) { float4 pixel = tex2D( map, tcs ); float3 normal = { pixel.a, pixel.y, pixel.z }; normal = signAndBias( normal ); float zSquared = 1.0f - (normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y); // slightly creative rework of above method to reduce instructions and constants // no sqrt( ) available, so we must approximate it normal.z = (zSquared * 0.6667) + 0.375; zSquared -= 0.225; // subtracting the 0.375 that was added to normal.z above and adding 0.15 before the comparison if (zSquared < 0) { normal.z += zSquared; } return normal; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float intensity(float3 rgb) { return dot(rgb, float3(0.3f, 0.59f, 0.11f)); } // ====================================================================== float3 dot3LightDirection : register(c0); float4 dot3LightDiffuseColor : register(c1); float4 dot3LightSpecularColor : register(c2); float4 textureFactor : register(c3); float4 textureFactor2 : register(c4); float4 materialSpecularColor : register(c5); float materialSpecularPower : register(c6); float4 alphaFadeOpacityHolder : register(c7); float4 userConstants[17] : register(c8); static const float bloomSpecularRgbScale = 0.5; static const float bloomSpecularAlphaScale = 0.65; #define alphaFadeOpacityEnabled alphaFadeOpacityHolder.r #define bloomEnabled alphaFadeOpacityHolder.g #define alphaFadeOpacity alphaFadeOpacityHolder.a #define bloomEnabled alphaFadeOpacityHolder.g // ====================================================================== // ====================================================================== // // HLSL pixel shader functions // ====================================================================== // ====================================================================== float calculateFakeAnisotropicSpecularLighting(float dot3SpecularNoPower) { float tighten = 1.25f; float powerScale = 0.15f; return max(0, pow(1 - abs(1 - (dot3SpecularNoPower * tighten)), materialSpecularPower * powerScale) - powerScale); } sampler s0 : register(s0); float4 main ( in float2 textureCoordinates : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR { float4 result = 0.0f; float2 textureCoordinateOffsets = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i, textureCoordinateOffsets += userConstants[16].xy) result += tex2D(s0, textureCoordinates + textureCoordinateOffsets) * userConstants[i]; return result; } technique Technique1 { pass Pass1 { PixelShader= compile ps_3_0 main(); } }
Here is my .VSH code, copied the bad_vertex_shader.vsh from preCU, I get the same error:
From what I could see,Code:// ====================================================================== // // inputs: // // none // // outputs: // // r7 = cell/ambient lighting // // ====================================================================== // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // calculate ambient light #define vPosition v0 #define vNormal v3 #define vPointSize v4 #define vColor0 v5 #define vColor1 v6 #define vTextureCoordinateSet0 v7 #define vTextureCoordinateSet1 v8 #define vTextureCoordinateSet2 v9 #define vTextureCoordinateSet3 v10 #define vTextureCoordinateSet4 v11 #define vTextureCoordinateSet5 v12 #define vTextureCoordinateSet6 v13 #define vTextureCoordinateSet7 v14 #define cObjectWorldCameraProjectionMatrix c0 #define cObjectWorldMatrix c4 #define cCameraPosition c8 #define cViewportData c9 #define cFog c10 #define cMaterial_diffuseColor c11 #define cMaterial_ambientColor c12 #define cMaterial_specularColor c13 #define cMaterial_emissiveColor c14 #define cMaterial_specularPower c15.x #define cLightData_ambient_ambientColor c16 #define cLightData_parallelSpecular_0_direction c17 #define cLightData_parallelSpecular_0_diffuseColor c18 #define cLightData_parallelSpecular_0_specularColor c19 #define cLightData_parallel_0_direction c20 #define cLightData_parallel_0_diffuseColor c21 #define cLightData_parallel_1_direction c22 #define cLightData_parallel_1_diffuseColor c23 #define cLightData_pointSpecular_0_position c24 #define cLightData_pointSpecular_0_diffuseColor c25 #define cLightData_pointSpecular_0_attenuation c26 #define cLightData_pointSpecular_0_specularColor c27 #define cLightData_point_0_position c28 #define cLightData_point_0_diffuseColor c29 #define cLightData_point_0_attenuation c30 #define cLightData_point_1_position c31 #define cLightData_point_1_diffuseColor c32 #define cLightData_point_1_attenuation c33 #define cLightData_point_2_position c34 #define cLightData_point_2_diffuseColor c35 #define cLightData_point_2_attenuation c36 #define cLightData_point_3_position c37 #define cLightData_point_3_diffuseColor c38 #define cLightData_point_3_attenuation c39 #define cLightData_dot3_0_cameraPosition c40 #define cLightData_dot3_0_direction c41 #define cLightData_dot3_0_diffuseColor c42 #define cLightData_dot3_0_specularColor c43 #define cTextureFactor c44 #define cTextureFactor2 c45 #define cTextureScroll c47 #define cCurrentTime c48 #define cUnitX c49 #define cUnitY c50 #define cUnitZ c51 #define cUserConstant0 c52 #define cUserConstant1 c53 #define cUserConstant2 c54 #define cUserConstant3 c55 #define cUserConstant4 c56 #define cUserConstant5 c57 #define cUserConstant6 c58 #define cUserConstant7 c59 #define c0_0 c95.x #define c0_5 c95.y #define c1_0 c95.z #define cLog2e c95.w struct Input { float4 position : POSITION0 : register(v0) ; }; struct Output { float4 position : POSITION0; float4 diffuse : COLOR0; float fog : FOG; }; Output main(Input vertex) { Output output; // transform vertex output.position = mul(vertex.position, objectWorldCameraProjectionMatrix); // calculate fog output.fog = calculateFog(vertex.position); // calculate lighting output.diffuse = lightData.ambient.ambientColor + calculateDiffuseLighting(false, vertex.position, normalize(vertex.position)); return output; } technique Technique1 { pass Pass1 { VertexShader= compile vs_3_0 main(); } }
Is what causes the issue in line 91.Code:register(v0)
If you remove it (which obviously needs to be fixed, but just for the sake of it), it passes it and then gives me the error:
Code:Line (108.41): error X3004: undeclared identifier 'objectWorldCameraProjectionMatrix' Line (108.20): error X3013: 'mul': intrinsic function does not take 2 parameters Line (108.20): error X3013: Possible Functions are: Line (108.20): error X3013: mul(float, float) Line (108.20): error X3013: mul(float, floatK) Line (108.20): error X3013: mul(float, floatLxK) Line (108.20): error X3013: mul(floatM, float)
// ======================================================================
// HLSL vertex shader functions
// ======================================================================
float lengthSquared(float3 v)
return dot(v, v);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 signAndBias(float3 v)
return (v - 0.5) * 2.0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 reverseSignAndBias(float3 v)
return (v * 0.5) + 0.5;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 tex2DDxt5CompressedNormal(sampler map, float2 tcs)
float4 pixel = tex2D(map, tcs);
float3 normal = { pixel.a, pixel.y, 1 };
normal = signAndBias(normal);
normal.z = sqrt(1 - (normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y));
return normal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 tex2DDxt5CompressedNormal_ps_14( sampler map, float2 tcs )
float4 pixel = tex2D( map, tcs );
float3 normal = { pixel.a, pixel.y, pixel.z };
normal = signAndBias( normal );
normal.z = 1.0f - (normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y);
// no sqrt( ) available, so we must approximate it
if (normal.z >= 0.24)
normal.z = (normal.z * 0.6667) + 0.375;
normal.z = (normal.z * 1.6667) + 0.15;
return normal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 tex2DDxt5CompressedNormal_ps_14_min_constants( sampler map, float2 tcs )
float4 pixel = tex2D( map, tcs );
float3 normal = { pixel.a, pixel.y, pixel.z };
normal = signAndBias( normal );
float zSquared = 1.0f - (normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y);
// slightly creative rework of above method to reduce instructions and constants
// no sqrt( ) available, so we must approximate it
normal.z = (zSquared * 0.6667) + 0.375;
zSquared -= 0.225; // subtracting the 0.375 that was added to normal.z above and adding 0.15 before the comparison
if (zSquared < 0)
normal.z += zSquared;
return normal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float intensity(float3 rgb)
return dot(rgb, float3(0.3f, 0.59f, 0.11f));
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
// HLSL vertex shader functions
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
float4 transform3d(float4 vertexPosition_o)
return mul(vertexPosition_o, objectWorldCameraProjectionMatrix);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float4 transform2d(float2 vertexPosition_s)
float4 result;
result.x = (vertexPosition_s.x * viewportData.x) + viewportData.z;
result.y = (vertexPosition_s.y * viewportData.y) + viewportData.w;
result.z = 0.5;
result.w = 1.0;
return result;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 rotate_o2w(float3 vector_o)
return mul(vector_o, (float3x3)objectWorldMatrix);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 rotateNormalize_o2w(float3 vector_o)
return normalize(rotate_o2w(vector_o));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 rotateTranslate_o2w(float3 vector_o)
return mul(vector_o, objectWorldMatrix);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 calculateHalfAngle_o(float3 position_o)
return normalize(lightData.dot3[0].direction_o + normalize(lightData.dot3[0].cameraPosition_o - position_o));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
//float3 calculateReflectionVector_w(float3 position_o, float3 normal_o)
// float3 fromViewer_w = normalize(rotateTranslate_o2w(position_o) - cameraPosition);
// float3 normal_w = rotateTranslateNormalize_o2w(normal_o);
// return reflect(fromViewer_w, normal_w);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float calculateFog(float4 vertexPosition_o)
float4 position_w = mul(vertexPosition_o, objectWorldMatrix);
float3 viewer_w = cameraPosition_w - position_w;
float viewerDistanceSquared = lengthSquared(viewer_w);
return 1.0 / exp(viewerDistanceSquared * fog.w);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3x3 calculateTextureToWorldTransform(float3 vertexNormal_o, float4 tcsDOT3)
// build the transformation matrix
float3x3 m;
m[0] = rotate_o2w((float3)tcsDOT3);
m[2] = normalize(rotate_o2w(vertexNormal_o));
m[1] = cross(m[2], m[0]) * tcsDOT3.w;
return m;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3x3 calculateTextureToObjectTransform(float3 vertexNormal_o, float4 tcsDOT3)
// build the transformation matrix
float3x3 m;
m[0] = (float3)tcsDOT3;
m[2] = vertexNormal_o;
m[1] = cross(m[2], m[0]) * tcsDOT3.w;
return m;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3x3 calculateObjectToTextureTransform(float3 vertexNormal_o, float4 tcsDOT3)
return transpose(calculateTextureToObjectTransform(vertexNormal_o,tcsDOT3));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 calculateDot3LightDirection_t(float3 vertexNormal_o, float4 tcsDOT3)
// transform the light direction into texture space
return mul(lightData.dot3[0].direction_o, calculateObjectToTextureTransform(vertexNormal_o, tcsDOT3));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// deprecated
float3 transformDot3LightDirection(float3 vertexNormal_o, float4 tcsDOT3)
return calculateDot3LightDirection_t(vertexNormal_o, tcsDOT3);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 computeHalfAngle(float3 vertexPosition_o)
// (H = L + V / |L + V|)
return normalize(normalize(lightData.dot3[0].cameraPosition_o - vertexPosition_o) + lightData.dot3[0].direction_o);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 calculateHalfAngle_t(float3 vertexPosition_o, float3 vertexNormal_o, float4 tcsDOT3)
return mul(computeHalfAngle(vertexPosition_o), calculateObjectToTextureTransform(vertexNormal_o, tcsDOT3));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// deprecated
float3 transformHalfAngle(float3 vertexPosition_o, float3 vertexNormal_o, float4 tcsDOT3)
return calculateHalfAngle_t(vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o, tcsDOT3);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 transformTerrainDot3LightDirection(float3 vertexNormal_o)
float3 j = cross(vertexNormal_o, float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
float3 i = cross(j, vertexNormal_o);
float3 result;
result.x = dot(i, lightData.dot3[0].direction_o);
result.y = dot(j, lightData.dot3[0].direction_o);
result.z = dot(vertexNormal_o, lightData.dot3[0].direction_o);
return reverseSignAndBias(result);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 calculateViewerDirection_o(float3 vertexPosition_o)
return normalize(lightData.dot3[0].cameraPosition_o - vertexPosition_o);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float3 calculateViewerDirection_w(float3 vertexPosition_o)
return normalize(cameraPosition_w - rotateTranslate_o2w(vertexPosition_o));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float4 calculateDiffuseParallelLight(ParallelLight light, float3 vertexNormal_o)
float3 normal_w = normalize(mul(vertexNormal_o, (float3x3)objectWorldMatrix));
return max(dot(normal_w, light.direction_w), 0.0) * light.diffuseColor;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
DiffuseSpecular calculateDiffuseSpecularParallelLight(ParallelSpecularLight light, float4 vertexPosition_o, float3 vertexNormal_o)
float3 viewer_w = normalize(cameraPosition_w - mul(vertexPosition_o, objectWorldMatrix));
float3 vertexNormal_w = normalize(mul(vertexNormal_o, (float3x3)objectWorldMatrix));
float3 halfAngle = normalize(light.direction_w + viewer_w);
float nDotL = dot(vertexNormal_w, light.direction_w);
float nDotH = dot(vertexNormal_w, halfAngle);
float4 lighting = lit(nDotL, nDotH, material.specularPower.x);
DiffuseSpecular diffuseSpecular;
diffuseSpecular.diffuse = lighting.y * light.diffuseColor;
diffuseSpecular.specular = lighting.z * light.specularColor;
return diffuseSpecular;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float4 calculateDiffusePointLight(PointLight light, float4 vertexPosition_o, float3 vertexNormal_o)
float3 vertexPosition_w = mul(vertexPosition_o, objectWorldMatrix);
float3 normal_w = normalize(mul(vertexNormal_o, (float3x3)objectWorldMatrix));
// Get light direction
float3 lightDirection = light.position_w - vertexPosition_w;
// Get light distance squared.
float lightDistanceSquared = lengthSquared(lightDirection);
// Get 1/lightDistance
float oneOverLightDistance = rsqrt(lightDistanceSquared);
// Normalize light direction
lightDirection *= oneOverLightDistance;
// compute distance attenuation
float4 attenuationFactors;
attenuationFactors.x = 1.0;
attenuationFactors.y = lightDistanceSquared * oneOverLightDistance;
attenuationFactors.z = lightDistanceSquared;
attenuationFactors.w = oneOverLightDistance;
float distanceAttenuation = 1.0 / dot(light.attenuation, attenuationFactors);
return max(dot(normal_w, lightDirection), 0.0) * distanceAttenuation * light.diffuseColor;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
DiffuseSpecular calculateDiffuseSpecularPointLight(PointSpecularLight light, float4 vertexPosition_o, float3 vertexNormal_o)
float3 vertexPosition_w = mul(vertexPosition_o, objectWorldMatrix);
float3 normal_w = normalize(mul(vertexNormal_o, (float3x3)objectWorldMatrix));
float3 viewer_w = normalize(cameraPosition_w - vertexPosition_w);
// Get light direction
float3 lightDirection = light.position_w - vertexPosition_w;
// Get light distance squared.
float lightDistanceSquared = lengthSquared(lightDirection);
// Get 1/lightDistance
float oneOverLightDistance = rsqrt(lightDistanceSquared);
// Normalize light direction
lightDirection *= oneOverLightDistance;
// compute distance attenuation
float4 attenuationFactors;
attenuationFactors.x = 1.0;
attenuationFactors.y = lightDistanceSquared * oneOverLightDistance;
attenuationFactors.z = lightDistanceSquared;
attenuationFactors.w = 1.0; // oneOverLightDistance;
float distanceAttenuation = 1.0 / dot(light.attenuation, attenuationFactors);
float3 halfAngle = normalize(lightDirection + viewer_w);
float nDotL = dot(normal_w, lightDirection);
float nDotH = dot(normal_w, halfAngle);
float4 lighting = lit(nDotL, nDotH, material.specularPower.x) * distanceAttenuation;
DiffuseSpecular diffuseSpecular;
diffuseSpecular.diffuse = lighting.y * light.diffuseColor;
diffuseSpecular.specular = lighting.z * light.specularColor;
return diffuseSpecular;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float4 calculateDiffuseLighting(bool dot3, float4 vertexPosition_o, float3 vertexNormal_o)
float4 result = material.emissiveColor;
if (!dot3)
result += calculateDiffuseParallelLight((ParallelLight)lightData.parallelSpecular[0], vertexNormal_o);
result += calculateDiffuseParallelLight(lightData.parallel[0], vertexNormal_o);
result += calculateDiffuseParallelLight(lightData.parallel[1], vertexNormal_o);
result += calculateDiffusePointLight((PointLight)lightData.pointSpecular[0], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o);
result += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[0], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o);
result += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[1], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o);
result += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[2], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o);
result += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[3], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o);
return result;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
DiffuseSpecular calculateDiffuseSpecularLighting(bool dot3, float4 vertexPosition_o, float3 vertexNormal_o)
DiffuseSpecular output;
output.diffuse = material.emissiveColor;
output.specular = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (!dot3)
DiffuseSpecular temporary = calculateDiffuseSpecularParallelLight(lightData.parallelSpecular[0], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o);
output.diffuse += temporary.diffuse;
output.specular += temporary.specular;
output.diffuse += calculateDiffuseParallelLight(lightData.parallel[0], vertexNormal_o);
output.diffuse += calculateDiffuseParallelLight(lightData.parallel[1], vertexNormal_o);
DiffuseSpecular temporary = calculateDiffuseSpecularPointLight(lightData.pointSpecular[0], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o);
output.diffuse += temporary.diffuse;
output.specular += temporary.specular;
output.diffuse += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[0], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o);
output.diffuse += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[1], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o);
output.diffuse += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[2], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o);
output.diffuse += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[3], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o);
return output;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
float2 calculateDiffuseSpecularLightingLookupTextureCoordinates(float4 vertexPosition_o, float vertexNormal_o)
float2 result;
// Calculate L.N for light texture lookup
result.x = max(0.0f, dot(lightData.dot3[0].direction_o, vertexNormal_o));
//Calculate H.N for light texture lookup
float3 halfAngle_o = calculateHalfAngle_o(vertexPosition_o);
result.y = max(0.0f, dot(halfAngle_o, vertexNormal_o));
return result;
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================
// types
// ======================================================================
struct Material
float4 diffuseColor;
float4 ambientColor;
float4 specularColor;
float4 emissiveColor;
float specularPower;
struct AmbientLight
float4 ambientColor;
struct ParallelSpecularLight
float3 direction_w;
float4 diffuseColor;
float4 specularColor;
struct ParallelLight
float3 direction_w;
float4 diffuseColor;
struct PointSpecularLight
float3 position_w;
float4 diffuseColor;
float4 attenuation;
float4 specularColor;
struct PointLight
float3 position_w;
float4 diffuseColor;
float4 attenuation;
struct Dot3Light
float3 cameraPosition_o;
float3 direction_o;
float4 diffuseColor;
float4 specularColor;
struct DiffuseSpecular
float4 diffuse;
float4 specular;
static const int NumberOfParallelSpecularLights = 1;
static const int NumberOfParallelLights = 2;
static const int NumberOfPointSpecularLights = 1;
static const int NumberOfPointLights = 4;
static const int NumberOfDot3Lights = 1;
struct LightData
AmbientLight ambient;
ParallelSpecularLight parallelSpecular[NumberOfParallelSpecularLights];
ParallelLight parallel[NumberOfParallelLights];
PointSpecularLight pointSpecular[NumberOfPointSpecularLights];
PointLight point[NumberOfPointLights];
Dot3Light dot3[NumberOfDot3Lights];
// ======================================================================
// constants
// ======================================================================
float4x4 objectWorldCameraProjectionMatrix : register(c0);
float4x4 objectWorldMatrix : register(c4);
float3 cameraPosition_w : register(c8);
float4 viewportData : register(c9);
float4 fog : register(c10);
Material material : register(c11);
LightData lightData : register(c16);
float4 textureFactor : register(c44);
float4 textureFactor2 : register(c45);
float4 textureScroll : register(c47);
float currentTime : register(c48);
float3 unitX : register(c49);
float3 unitY : register(c50);
float3 unitZ : register(c51);
float4 userConstant0 : register(c52);
float4 userConstant1 : register(c53);
float4 userConstant2 : register(c54);
float4 userConstant3 : register(c55);
float4 userConstant4 : register(c56);
float4 userConstant5 : register(c57);
float4 userConstant6 : register(c58);
float4 userConstant7 : register(c59);
const bool light_parallelSpecular_0_enabled : register(b0);
const bool light_parallel_0_enabled : register(b1);
const bool light_parallel_1_enabled : register(b2);
const bool light_pointSpecular_0_enabled : register(b3);
const bool light_point_0_enabled : register(b4);
const bool light_point_1_enabled : register(b5);
const bool light_point_2_enabled : register(b6);
const bool light_point_3_enabled : register(b7);
#pragma def(vs, c95, 0.0, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.4426950408889634f)
struct Input
float4 position : POSITION0 : register(v0) ;
struct Output
float4 position : POSITION0;
float4 diffuse : COLOR0;
float fog : FOG;
Output main(Input vertex)
Output output;
// transform vertex
output.position = mul(vertex.position, objectWorldCameraProjectionMatrix);
// calculate fog
output.fog = calculateFog(vertex.position);
// calculate lighting
output.diffuse = lightData.ambient.ambientColor + calculateDiffuseLighting(false, vertex.position, normalize(vertex.position));
return output;
technique Technique1
pass Pass1
VertexShader= compile vs_3_0 main();
I found your problem: You pasted in the constants after code that was trying to use objectWorldCameraProjectionMatrix; Make sure you paste the contents of all include files at the top before you paste in anything else. I recommend pasting in before said:Oh yea, looking at what I copy pasted, tons of stuff was missing, no idea how that happened.
Anyway, same error even with the full functions and constants file. This time it appeared in line 100, from the shader functions. .
This time I didn't get a X3202, did you fix yours yet?Code:// ====================================================================== // // HLSL vertex shader functions // ====================================================================== float lengthSquared(float3 v) { return dot(v, v); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 signAndBias(float3 v) { return (v - 0.5) * 2.0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 reverseSignAndBias(float3 v) { return (v * 0.5) + 0.5; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 tex2DDxt5CompressedNormal(sampler map, float2 tcs) { float4 pixel = tex2D(map, tcs); float3 normal = { pixel.a, pixel.y, 1 }; normal = signAndBias(normal); normal.z = sqrt(1 - (normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y)); return normal; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 tex2DDxt5CompressedNormal_ps_14( sampler map, float2 tcs ) { float4 pixel = tex2D( map, tcs ); float3 normal = { pixel.a, pixel.y, pixel.z }; normal = signAndBias( normal ); normal.z = 1.0f - (normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y); // no sqrt( ) available, so we must approximate it if (normal.z >= 0.24) { normal.z = (normal.z * 0.6667) + 0.375; } else { normal.z = (normal.z * 1.6667) + 0.15; } return normal; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 tex2DDxt5CompressedNormal_ps_14_min_constants( sampler map, float2 tcs ) { float4 pixel = tex2D( map, tcs ); float3 normal = { pixel.a, pixel.y, pixel.z }; normal = signAndBias( normal ); float zSquared = 1.0f - (normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y); // slightly creative rework of above method to reduce instructions and constants // no sqrt( ) available, so we must approximate it normal.z = (zSquared * 0.6667) + 0.375; zSquared -= 0.225; // subtracting the 0.375 that was added to normal.z above and adding 0.15 before the comparison if (zSquared < 0) { normal.z += zSquared; } return normal; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float intensity(float3 rgb) { return dot(rgb, float3(0.3f, 0.59f, 0.11f)); } // ====================================================================== // ====================================================================== // // HLSL vertex shader functions // ====================================================================== // ====================================================================== float4 transform3d(float4 vertexPosition_o) { return mul(vertexPosition_o, objectWorldCameraProjectionMatrix); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float4 transform2d(float2 vertexPosition_s) { float4 result; result.x = (vertexPosition_s.x * viewportData.x) + viewportData.z; result.y = (vertexPosition_s.y * viewportData.y) + viewportData.w; result.z = 0.5; result.w = 1.0; return result; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 rotate_o2w(float3 vector_o) { return mul(vector_o, (float3x3)objectWorldMatrix); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 rotateNormalize_o2w(float3 vector_o) { return normalize(rotate_o2w(vector_o)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 rotateTranslate_o2w(float3 vector_o) { return mul(vector_o, objectWorldMatrix); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 calculateHalfAngle_o(float3 position_o) { return normalize(lightData.dot3[0].direction_o + normalize(lightData.dot3[0].cameraPosition_o - position_o)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //float3 calculateReflectionVector_w(float3 position_o, float3 normal_o) //{ // float3 fromViewer_w = normalize(rotateTranslate_o2w(position_o) - cameraPosition); // float3 normal_w = rotateTranslateNormalize_o2w(normal_o); // return reflect(fromViewer_w, normal_w); //} // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float calculateFog(float4 vertexPosition_o) { float4 position_w = mul(vertexPosition_o, objectWorldMatrix); float3 viewer_w = cameraPosition_w - position_w; float viewerDistanceSquared = lengthSquared(viewer_w); return 1.0 / exp(viewerDistanceSquared * fog.w); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3x3 calculateTextureToWorldTransform(float3 vertexNormal_o, float4 tcsDOT3) { // build the transformation matrix float3x3 m; m[0] = rotate_o2w((float3)tcsDOT3); m[2] = normalize(rotate_o2w(vertexNormal_o)); m[1] = cross(m[2], m[0]) * tcsDOT3.w; return m; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3x3 calculateTextureToObjectTransform(float3 vertexNormal_o, float4 tcsDOT3) { // build the transformation matrix float3x3 m; m[0] = (float3)tcsDOT3; m[2] = vertexNormal_o; m[1] = cross(m[2], m[0]) * tcsDOT3.w; return m; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3x3 calculateObjectToTextureTransform(float3 vertexNormal_o, float4 tcsDOT3) { return transpose(calculateTextureToObjectTransform(vertexNormal_o,tcsDOT3)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 calculateDot3LightDirection_t(float3 vertexNormal_o, float4 tcsDOT3) { // transform the light direction into texture space return mul(lightData.dot3[0].direction_o, calculateObjectToTextureTransform(vertexNormal_o, tcsDOT3)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // deprecated float3 transformDot3LightDirection(float3 vertexNormal_o, float4 tcsDOT3) { return calculateDot3LightDirection_t(vertexNormal_o, tcsDOT3); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 computeHalfAngle(float3 vertexPosition_o) { // (H = L + V / |L + V|) return normalize(normalize(lightData.dot3[0].cameraPosition_o - vertexPosition_o) + lightData.dot3[0].direction_o); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 calculateHalfAngle_t(float3 vertexPosition_o, float3 vertexNormal_o, float4 tcsDOT3) { return mul(computeHalfAngle(vertexPosition_o), calculateObjectToTextureTransform(vertexNormal_o, tcsDOT3)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // deprecated float3 transformHalfAngle(float3 vertexPosition_o, float3 vertexNormal_o, float4 tcsDOT3) { return calculateHalfAngle_t(vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o, tcsDOT3); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 transformTerrainDot3LightDirection(float3 vertexNormal_o) { float3 j = cross(vertexNormal_o, float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); float3 i = cross(j, vertexNormal_o); float3 result; result.x = dot(i, lightData.dot3[0].direction_o); result.y = dot(j, lightData.dot3[0].direction_o); result.z = dot(vertexNormal_o, lightData.dot3[0].direction_o); return reverseSignAndBias(result); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 calculateViewerDirection_o(float3 vertexPosition_o) { return normalize(lightData.dot3[0].cameraPosition_o - vertexPosition_o); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 calculateViewerDirection_w(float3 vertexPosition_o) { return normalize(cameraPosition_w - rotateTranslate_o2w(vertexPosition_o)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float4 calculateDiffuseParallelLight(ParallelLight light, float3 vertexNormal_o) { float3 normal_w = normalize(mul(vertexNormal_o, (float3x3)objectWorldMatrix)); return max(dot(normal_w, light.direction_w), 0.0) * light.diffuseColor; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DiffuseSpecular calculateDiffuseSpecularParallelLight(ParallelSpecularLight light, float4 vertexPosition_o, float3 vertexNormal_o) { float3 viewer_w = normalize(cameraPosition_w - mul(vertexPosition_o, objectWorldMatrix)); float3 vertexNormal_w = normalize(mul(vertexNormal_o, (float3x3)objectWorldMatrix)); float3 halfAngle = normalize(light.direction_w + viewer_w); float nDotL = dot(vertexNormal_w, light.direction_w); float nDotH = dot(vertexNormal_w, halfAngle); float4 lighting = lit(nDotL, nDotH, material.specularPower.x); DiffuseSpecular diffuseSpecular; diffuseSpecular.diffuse = lighting.y * light.diffuseColor; diffuseSpecular.specular = lighting.z * light.specularColor; return diffuseSpecular; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float4 calculateDiffusePointLight(PointLight light, float4 vertexPosition_o, float3 vertexNormal_o) { float3 vertexPosition_w = mul(vertexPosition_o, objectWorldMatrix); float3 normal_w = normalize(mul(vertexNormal_o, (float3x3)objectWorldMatrix)); // Get light direction float3 lightDirection = light.position_w - vertexPosition_w; // Get light distance squared. float lightDistanceSquared = lengthSquared(lightDirection); // Get 1/lightDistance float oneOverLightDistance = rsqrt(lightDistanceSquared); // Normalize light direction lightDirection *= oneOverLightDistance; // compute distance attenuation float4 attenuationFactors; attenuationFactors.x = 1.0; attenuationFactors.y = lightDistanceSquared * oneOverLightDistance; attenuationFactors.z = lightDistanceSquared; attenuationFactors.w = oneOverLightDistance; float distanceAttenuation = 1.0 / dot(light.attenuation, attenuationFactors); return max(dot(normal_w, lightDirection), 0.0) * distanceAttenuation * light.diffuseColor; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DiffuseSpecular calculateDiffuseSpecularPointLight(PointSpecularLight light, float4 vertexPosition_o, float3 vertexNormal_o) { float3 vertexPosition_w = mul(vertexPosition_o, objectWorldMatrix); float3 normal_w = normalize(mul(vertexNormal_o, (float3x3)objectWorldMatrix)); float3 viewer_w = normalize(cameraPosition_w - vertexPosition_w); // Get light direction float3 lightDirection = light.position_w - vertexPosition_w; // Get light distance squared. float lightDistanceSquared = lengthSquared(lightDirection); // Get 1/lightDistance float oneOverLightDistance = rsqrt(lightDistanceSquared); // Normalize light direction lightDirection *= oneOverLightDistance; // compute distance attenuation float4 attenuationFactors; attenuationFactors.x = 1.0; attenuationFactors.y = lightDistanceSquared * oneOverLightDistance; attenuationFactors.z = lightDistanceSquared; attenuationFactors.w = 1.0; // oneOverLightDistance; float distanceAttenuation = 1.0 / dot(light.attenuation, attenuationFactors); float3 halfAngle = normalize(lightDirection + viewer_w); float nDotL = dot(normal_w, lightDirection); float nDotH = dot(normal_w, halfAngle); float4 lighting = lit(nDotL, nDotH, material.specularPower.x) * distanceAttenuation; DiffuseSpecular diffuseSpecular; diffuseSpecular.diffuse = lighting.y * light.diffuseColor; diffuseSpecular.specular = lighting.z * light.specularColor; return diffuseSpecular; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float4 calculateDiffuseLighting(bool dot3, float4 vertexPosition_o, float3 vertexNormal_o) { float4 result = material.emissiveColor; if (!dot3) result += calculateDiffuseParallelLight((ParallelLight)lightData.parallelSpecular[0], vertexNormal_o); result += calculateDiffuseParallelLight(lightData.parallel[0], vertexNormal_o); result += calculateDiffuseParallelLight(lightData.parallel[1], vertexNormal_o); result += calculateDiffusePointLight((PointLight)lightData.pointSpecular[0], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o); result += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[0], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o); result += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[1], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o); result += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[2], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o); result += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[3], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o); return result; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DiffuseSpecular calculateDiffuseSpecularLighting(bool dot3, float4 vertexPosition_o, float3 vertexNormal_o) { DiffuseSpecular output; output.diffuse = material.emissiveColor; output.specular = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if (!dot3) { DiffuseSpecular temporary = calculateDiffuseSpecularParallelLight(lightData.parallelSpecular[0], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o); output.diffuse += temporary.diffuse; output.specular += temporary.specular; } output.diffuse += calculateDiffuseParallelLight(lightData.parallel[0], vertexNormal_o); output.diffuse += calculateDiffuseParallelLight(lightData.parallel[1], vertexNormal_o); DiffuseSpecular temporary = calculateDiffuseSpecularPointLight(lightData.pointSpecular[0], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o); output.diffuse += temporary.diffuse; output.specular += temporary.specular; output.diffuse += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[0], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o); output.diffuse += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[1], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o); output.diffuse += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[2], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o); output.diffuse += calculateDiffusePointLight(lightData.point[3], vertexPosition_o, vertexNormal_o); return output; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- float2 calculateDiffuseSpecularLightingLookupTextureCoordinates(float4 vertexPosition_o, float vertexNormal_o) { float2 result; // Calculate L.N for light texture lookup result.x = max(0.0f, dot(lightData.dot3[0].direction_o, vertexNormal_o)); //Calculate H.N for light texture lookup float3 halfAngle_o = calculateHalfAngle_o(vertexPosition_o); result.y = max(0.0f, dot(halfAngle_o, vertexNormal_o)); return result; } // ====================================================================== // ====================================================================== // types // ====================================================================== struct Material { float4 diffuseColor; float4 ambientColor; float4 specularColor; float4 emissiveColor; float specularPower; }; struct AmbientLight { float4 ambientColor; }; struct ParallelSpecularLight { float3 direction_w; float4 diffuseColor; float4 specularColor; }; struct ParallelLight { float3 direction_w; float4 diffuseColor; }; struct PointSpecularLight { float3 position_w; float4 diffuseColor; float4 attenuation; float4 specularColor; }; struct PointLight { float3 position_w; float4 diffuseColor; float4 attenuation; }; struct Dot3Light { float3 cameraPosition_o; float3 direction_o; float4 diffuseColor; float4 specularColor; }; struct DiffuseSpecular { float4 diffuse; float4 specular; }; static const int NumberOfParallelSpecularLights = 1; static const int NumberOfParallelLights = 2; static const int NumberOfPointSpecularLights = 1; static const int NumberOfPointLights = 4; static const int NumberOfDot3Lights = 1; struct LightData { AmbientLight ambient; ParallelSpecularLight parallelSpecular[NumberOfParallelSpecularLights]; ParallelLight parallel[NumberOfParallelLights]; PointSpecularLight pointSpecular[NumberOfPointSpecularLights]; PointLight point[NumberOfPointLights]; Dot3Light dot3[NumberOfDot3Lights]; }; // ====================================================================== // constants // ====================================================================== float4x4 objectWorldCameraProjectionMatrix : register(c0); float4x4 objectWorldMatrix : register(c4); float3 cameraPosition_w : register(c8); float4 viewportData : register(c9); float4 fog : register(c10); Material material : register(c11); LightData lightData : register(c16); float4 textureFactor : register(c44); float4 textureFactor2 : register(c45); float4 textureScroll : register(c47); float currentTime : register(c48); float3 unitX : register(c49); float3 unitY : register(c50); float3 unitZ : register(c51); float4 userConstant0 : register(c52); float4 userConstant1 : register(c53); float4 userConstant2 : register(c54); float4 userConstant3 : register(c55); float4 userConstant4 : register(c56); float4 userConstant5 : register(c57); float4 userConstant6 : register(c58); float4 userConstant7 : register(c59); #if VERTEX_SHADER_VERSION >= 20 const bool light_parallelSpecular_0_enabled : register(b0); const bool light_parallel_0_enabled : register(b1); const bool light_parallel_1_enabled : register(b2); const bool light_pointSpecular_0_enabled : register(b3); const bool light_point_0_enabled : register(b4); const bool light_point_1_enabled : register(b5); const bool light_point_2_enabled : register(b6); const bool light_point_3_enabled : register(b7); #endif #pragma def(vs, c95, 0.0, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.4426950408889634f) struct Input { float4 position : POSITION0 : register(v0) ; }; struct Output { float4 position : POSITION0; float4 diffuse : COLOR0; float fog : FOG; }; Output main(Input vertex) { Output output; // transform vertex output.position = mul(vertex.position, objectWorldCameraProjectionMatrix); // calculate fog output.fog = calculateFog(vertex.position); // calculate lighting output.diffuse = lightData.ambient.ambientColor + calculateDiffuseLighting(false, vertex.position, normalize(vertex.position)); return output; } technique Technique1 { pass Pass1 { VertexShader= compile vs_3_0 main(); } }