How do I get the models into something usable in Blender?

Dragon x62

New Member
Nov 20, 2018
Hey, I'm looking to do some things regarding the M-3A Scyk as well as many other assets, but I can't seem to get a useable file or find a plugin or converter that allows me to import it. What do I need to do?


Oct 10, 2017
Still asking about NGE?. Man, this is like a virus.

Dragon x62

New Member
Nov 20, 2018
TBH, it wasn't for NGE. I need the M3-A and other assets for a conversion mod. I was able to get the plugins for blender through a fellow modder for that game.


Mar 26, 2015
Hey, I'm looking to do some things regarding the M-3A Scyk as well as many other assets, but I can't seem to get a useable file or find a plugin or converter that allows me to import it. What do I need to do?
There's actually a few things showing how across the board. The search function on the older posts might be a bit borked, but you can find the information if you look. Like we all did.

If you don't see a plethora of responses it's usually because, people who do the work and present it out there don't want to spoon feed you an answer. It's not one simple answer you're asking for. This causes people to roll their eyes and know that you are extremely new to it. Which is fine, being a newbie isn't bad, being lazy is. My first post ever on this site was permission to host a file. My first search went from one item to fifty items and continues to this day.

The proper question would be: Is there a guide for importing? The proper answer would be: There is none. You would have found the answer had you spent 5 minutes looking.

As to answer your question: There is a 3ds import string on the forums with a guide on how to use it. In that thread they explain how you can also use blender. In a newer post there is an explanation of the use of blender as well as some Borrie awesomeness. Take the time and look to narrow down your questions and then repost with those questions.

Everyone wants to help you out, but asking "how do i import files" wont get you an answer, but "how do I import a specific mesh after Ive done x, and x and this is what happened." Will.

Also, I'm not being mean, or being a smart alec, I'm offering some unbiased, advice to help you out in the future.

Oh, and dont ask about NGE.
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New Member
Sep 30, 2013
Jump To hyperspace is expansion came before NGE, It is part of the Pre-Cu System, The Other Ones are not part of it. Rage of the Wookiees Is CU, Mustafar are only NGE, Just because Jump to Hyperspace is not in the game doesn't mean it is NGE. It is A Pre-cu, It is not in there yet that is a point. When SWGEmu done with those stuff then yes Jump to Hyperspace will be developed but not now. If you called Jump to Hyperspace "NGE", then you should read the wikia then other than that Jump to Hyperspace is Pre-Cu it is a first expansion, Rage of the Wookiees and Trials of obi-wan are not Part of Pre-cu family, but Jump to Hyperspace is, As far i'm telling you I'm not asking for NGE, I'm telling you that Jump to Hyperspace is Pre-cu, Don't let the Illegal Source Code Fool you!


Oct 10, 2017
There are some differences between SWG and SWGEmu. And yes, i know the first expansion was Pre-CU. JTL was launched on October 2004. I went to purchase it from a Mediamarkt...
BUT it's not emulated under SWGEmu yet, so asking something about a NON emulated content, is... suspicious?. Man, people aren't silly. Want me to be?.. so "- ok! we'll help you to mod your ship! (for NGE)".
It's called "evidence" not "knowledge".
* And i remind people we are here for Pre-CU. I love Pre-CU (everyone loves) and i also know JTL isn't part of the code for now... everyone knows here. I don't know what's the problem.
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Jan 16, 2015
Jump To hyperspace is expansion came before NGE, It is part of the Pre-Cu System, The Other Ones are not part of it. Rage of the Wookiees Is CU, Mustafar are only NGE, Just because Jump to Hyperspace is not in the game doesn't mean it is NGE. It is A Pre-cu, It is not in there yet that is a point. When SWGEmu done with those stuff then yes Jump to Hyperspace will be developed but not now. If you called Jump to Hyperspace "NGE", then you should read the wikia then other than that Jump to Hyperspace is Pre-Cu it is a first expansion, Rage of the Wookiees and Trials of obi-wan are not Part of Pre-cu family, but Jump to Hyperspace is, As far i'm telling you I'm not asking for NGE, I'm telling you that Jump to Hyperspace is Pre-cu, Don't let the Illegal Source Code Fool you!
Mustafar was actually the last expansion of the CU era before the NGE came out. It was released as part of the Trials of Obi-Wan update to tie in with the Revenge of the Sith.


New Member
Sep 30, 2013
There are some differences between SWG and SWGEmu. And yes, i know the first expansion was Pre-CU. JTL was launched on October 2004. I went to purchase it from a Mediamarkt...
BUT it's not emulated under SWGEmu yet, so asking something about a NON emulated content, is... suspicious?. Man, people aren't silly. Want me to be?.. so "- ok! we'll help you to mod your ship! (for NGE)".
It's called "evidence" not "knowledge".
* And i remind people we are here for Pre-CU. I love Pre-CU (everyone loves) and i also know JTL isn't part of the code for now... everyone knows here. I don't know what's the problem.
The Illegal Source Code It's a problem, Not Space, I'm Trying to report lucasfilm against the illegal source code!


Mouthy Brit
Aug 1, 2015
Putting aside the snark opinions about NGE, CU, Pre-Cu, who gives a shit, we're here for one reason: To work together and rebuild a game, and pushing people away for the excuse of them being "new" to the world of development isn't what we need in this case. However here at MtG we don't support any projects that are based on NGE and all that "Illegal Source" malarky. Let's remain on topic here and get back to the case of converting models and their filetypes.

@Dragon x62 There are several import/export plugins for the game's meshes and now we're breaching the corners of MGN and LMG meshes which control characters, species and soon animations. I will be releasing my own guide in the MtG Art section that will explain how to use all the tools and this should solve the problems for you or answer any questions people may have.

Will this teach you how to model and work with the game's limitations? No, that's a whole different basket of apples and one you need to flesh out for yourself. Going back to what eqsanctum said in his post, we're not going to give you every answer because that teaches you nothing.

I hope this helps, please keep your eye on the Art section of the forums in the coming month or two as something will start to arrive from me there, and it's for all the artists in the community such as yourself.


Staff member
Oct 6, 2010
Magna Germania
I think we've had a bit of miscommunication here and things got a bit too hostile too quick, especially as it appears the intent was to export out of SWG for the sake of using it elsewhere, which is what I understand from a 'conversion mod'.

I get easily getting heated up when things related to JTL which is only on the illegal NGE servers atm, I've banned and locked numerous threads here and on Discord, so yeah I totally can relate, but let's not grab the pitchforks without clear evidence.


Sep 13, 2013
You guys are a modding site... Act like it. if someone asks a question answer it, don't drone on about spoon feeding and learning yourself... Fuck, it's a modding community for crying out loud, not an elitist commune.....

Synter and Uli both held info from me in the past, stating I needed to learn it for myself... it didn't help me, it slowed me down, and made me a very bitter modder back then. It pushed me out and into other games with more helpful communities... I've since found other SWG communities and they'e been very helpful. With them, I was able to do things I always wanted to do, and quickly I might add.

MTG can learn and improve from that...



Staff member
Oct 6, 2010
Magna Germania
Unsure what you're talking about. 99% of the things we know, we've shared, some small things we're keeping until our projects are done because we did the leg work and want to see our projects through.

I'm not even agreeing with the posts about the act of doing the legwork yourself in this thread, but your post comes off awfully misguided.

There is also a difference with random stray people coming up to us, asking for a plethora of info, especially with stuff we're working on ourselves, without having done even the simplest of legwork and people that are stuck on some things and are asking for more info of stuff they actually know and are invested about. Why does it usually start out as 'learn it for yourself'? Because it shows if people are invested or not, too many times in the past have I helped people who either took it for granted or just never did anything with it because all they knew was what I provided and didn't spend any effort on trying out things for themselves.

People keep bringing up that we're somehow hoarding information over the years, it's an absolutely retarded statement, especially in contrast to how much we've given to this scene at this point, especially by Sytner and Uli. Other communities 'like this one' wouldn't exist without our work or the nge src leak.
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New Member
Apr 1, 2011
You guys are a modding site... Act like it. if someone asks a question answer it, don't drone on about spoon feeding and learning yourself... Fuck, it's a modding community for crying out loud, not an elitist commune.....

Synter and Uli both held info from me in the past, stating I needed to learn it for myself... it didn't help me, it slowed me down, and made me a very bitter modder back then. It pushed me out and into other games with more helpful communities... I've since found other SWG communities and they'e been very helpful. With them, I was able to do things I always wanted to do, and quickly I might add.

MTG can learn and improve from that...

I have to agree with this, absolutely. This was still true even back in 2007 when I first started getting into things. I have never met another community with as many bitter people as I have with the SWG community. When we look at open-source projects out there (the linux kernel/foundation would be a great example), we mostly see people being helpful towards one another; a desire to help each other improve seems to be there. While I agree with Timbab that occasionally people might ask a question that requires a lengthy and detailed response, I don't think acting high and mighty, and talking about 'not spoon feeding' accomplishes anything. A simple direction or clear hint would suffice for many of these people.

People keep bringing up that we're somehow hoarding information over the years, it's an absolutely retarded statement, especially in contrast to how much we've given to this scene at this point, especially by Sytner and Uli. Other communities 'like this one' wouldn't exist without our work or the nge src leak.
I think saying things like this is a bit misguided, in my opinion. The SWG modding and emulation scene has existed before any of us got involved, including Uli and others, and would've continued to exist even if we didn't. There are many other people who have contributed everything they can to the SWG community, such as the original ANH team and their very in-depth wiki, even the ProjectSWG and SWGEMU teams have shared and freely contributed to our understanding of SWG. I think perhaps holding feelings like this idea of 'without me there would be nothing', only hurt the community and reduce further research and understanding.


Staff member
Oct 6, 2010
Magna Germania
90% of all client related things, including tools came from us, this is not a statement of 'without me there would be nothing', but a mere fact in the contrast of the accusation that we hoard everything. This doesn't make us any better than anyone else, it simply means, we've put in the countless thousands of hours and delivered and are the very opposite of the portrayal that some people throw out there of us, of how we're somehow sitting on a mountain of information that we're keeping to ourselves. That's the only reason I even wrote that bit, I'm just tired of the same shit being said, years down the line.

I've always tried to be helpful to people, even if that meant totally going out of my way at times to help, but this doesn't mean they're entitled to it and then get to moan about hoarding or withholding information due to lack of spoon feeding.


Staff member
Sep 18, 2010
Synter and Uli both held info from me in the past, stating I needed to learn it for myself... it didn't help me, it slowed me down, and made me a very bitter modder back then.
I resent the statement really because almost everything I knew got documented in SIE either via editors or templates many years ago now. In addition to that I easily spend 10-20 minutes every day answering questions I get on Discord/PMs.

If I didn't answer a question to your satisfaction or was dismissive prior to SIE being released, then sorry. I'm not perfect and I'd grown pretty weary of trivial questions about file types and such. This was not helped by the fact that no one then (except for TA) was contributing anything significant back to help further tool development/knowledge. It seemed like I was expected to be the main person who does the difficult client work, then additionally be expected to guide 50 different people through the details of it when they were too lazy to do anything for themselves. I'm not saying this as an absolute truth - just how it felt from my perspective at the time.

This doesn't make us any better than anyone else, it simply means, we've put in the countless thousands of hours and delivered and are the very opposite of the portrayal that some people throw out there of us, of how we're somehow sitting on a mountain of information that we're keeping to ourselves. That's the only reason I even wrote that bit, I'm just tired of the same shit being said, years down the line.
Exactly, no one is claiming to be "special". These accusations are just frustrating, especially since they always seem to come from people that have contributed almost nothing themselves and expect everything of others.

It's the same story with people that complain about things like SIE not being open source. They say it as if they'd have made a great contribution if it were - yet they've never contributed a new template, never written a plugin, never even submitted a bug report. Meanwhile others actually quietly do those things, and get rewarded in return. Unsurprisingly it's almost exclusively those latter people actually contributing to the scene rather than writing entitled posts.
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Mouthy Brit
Aug 1, 2015
You guys are a modding site... Act like it. if someone asks a question answer it, don't drone on about spoon feeding and learning yourself... Fuck, it's a modding community for crying out loud, not an elitist commune.....

Synter and Uli both held info from me in the past, stating I needed to learn it for myself... it didn't help me, it slowed me down, and made me a very bitter modder back then. It pushed me out and into other games with more helpful communities....
Ungrateful of you, considering these people were so helpful for providing the recent fixes to the plugin that you designed. When bugs were reported, all you had to say was "I'm tired and burned out.", like you'd given up. Maybe for once stop whining and being like the lesser lazy people of this community who truly have done nothing but sit on their asses bitching for the things they want as though we owe it to them.

Sytner is a close friend I've known and worked with for nearing 3 years now. He's been through hells that you can't even imagine in his personal life and still finds the time besides his programming job to code a huge editor tool for this fucking game that quite frankly most people don't even deserve. But I guess we should all just give into our grudges and turn into a modding community that throws around hate instead of progress and hard work?

Not many people want to come home from a hard day's work only to do the same thing in their spare time. Sytner is a human being who has a life like the rest of us, he owes you nothing, nobody in MtG owes anyone anything. We do these things because we want to, in our own time and our own way and for our own reasons.

It pushed me out and into other games with more helpful communities.... I've since found other SWG communities and they'e been very helpful. With them, I was able to do things I always wanted to do, and quickly I might add.

MTG can learn and improve from that...

When your plugin came back with problems, you had a fix within 12 hours when people in MtG's staff spent 5-6 hours late night combing through your code just to get it working for those who were dependent on it such as myself. Did you fix it? No, in fact I recall you ignoring me for the most part but I'm not taking that personally, I'm sure you were just "busy" developing....things.

Duffstone can learn and improve from that.



New Member
Sep 30, 2013
Ungrateful of you, considering these people were so helpful for providing the recent fixes to the plugin that you designed. When bugs were reported, all you had to say was "I'm tired and burned out.", like you'd given up. Maybe for once stop whining and being like the lesser lazy people of this community who truly have done nothing but sit on their asses bitching for the things they want as though we owe it to them.

Sytner is a close friend I've known and worked with for nearing 3 years now. He's been through hells that you can't even imagine in his personal life and still finds the time besides his programming job to code a huge editor tool for this fucking game that quite frankly most people don't even deserve. But I guess we should all just give into our grudges and turn into a modding community that throws around hate instead of progress and hard work?

Not many people want to come home from a hard day's work only to do the same thing in their spare time. Sytner is a human being who has a life like the rest of us, he owes you nothing, nobody in MtG owes anyone anything. We do these things because we want to, in our own time and our own way and for our own reasons.

When your plugin came back with problems, you had a fix within 12 hours when people in MtG's staff spent 5-6 hours late night combing through your code just to get it working for those who were dependent on it such as myself. Did you fix it? No, in fact I recall you ignoring me for the most part but I'm not taking that personally, I'm sure you were just "busy" developing....things.

Duffstone can learn and improve from that.

Both you and Sytner are the greatest creations and I am Grateful for the nice tool and your art of course, you did a great work, When ever your going to make a great models and tools, you and him are the right track to make SWG Pre-Cu Great again. :)


Oct 10, 2017
Wow, that was much rage. How did we get to this?. o_O
And yes, Dsrules. Timdad is nice.
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