Hey, I'm looking to do some things regarding the M-3A Scyk as well as many other assets, but I can't seem to get a useable file or find a plugin or converter that allows me to import it. What do I need to do?
There's actually a few things showing how across the board. The search function on the older posts might be a bit borked, but you can find the information if you look. Like we all did.
If you don't see a plethora of responses it's usually because, people who do the work and present it out there don't want to spoon feed you an answer. It's not one simple answer you're asking for. This causes people to roll their eyes and know that you are extremely new to it. Which is fine, being a newbie isn't bad, being lazy is. My first post ever on this site was permission to host a file. My first search went from one item to fifty items and continues to this day.
The proper question would be: Is there a guide for importing? The proper answer would be: There is none. You would have found the answer had you spent 5 minutes looking.
As to answer your question: There is a 3ds import string on the forums with a guide on how to use it. In that thread they explain how you can also use blender. In a newer post there is an explanation of the use of blender as well as some Borrie awesomeness. Take the time and look to narrow down your questions and then repost with those questions.
Everyone wants to help you out, but asking "how do i import files" wont get you an answer, but "how do I import a specific mesh after Ive done x, and x and this is what happened." Will.
Also, I'm not being mean, or being a smart alec, I'm offering some unbiased, advice to help you out in the future.
Oh, and dont ask about NGE.