Resources List?


New Member
Jun 4, 2022
Recently got my server up and running and everything is looking great!

One of the biggest issues I've seen, at least for myself, is no access to a resource list. God bless GalaxyHarvester.NET!

So I said, no biggie, just make a parser and get the info!

Which is what I did, getting the info from resource_manager_spawns.lua, but after looking through it, I noticed that its listing resources that aren't available.

So if this is the wrong file to use, does anyone happen to know where to get the current spawned resources info from?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!



Staff member
Oct 10, 2017
The resources are generated automatically on the server side but you can create them yourself using the command... ok, I don't remember now. If anyone else can help with this we would be greatly grateful.
So don't try to modify that file because it's no use. And yes, resource names are random.


New Member
Jun 4, 2022
Thanks for the info.
I'm not looking to create my own resources, just looking for a way to read what resources are available. The resource_manager_spawns.lua file does contain the resources that are available, but it also contains resources that aren't. Pretty strange.

I moved the filed out of the directory, then used admin account to do a /resources dump, which recreated the file. I did this thinking this would cause the file to only list the resources that are available, but it didn't. It recreated the same exact file. Even more strange.

So, I'm not sure where the current resources list is being stored or how its being stored.

Still trying to find out how to open or use the resourcespawns.db file that is at Core3/MMOCoreORB/bin/databases. I figured this would have the info for sure, but can't do anything with this file. Can't import it into mysql workbench, can't read it with DB Browser for SQLite. The best I could find was its a Berkeley DB file. Tried using db_dump on it, but all I get is binary output, lol.

If anyone knows how to use the resourcespawns.db file, that would be outstanding! Or where the current resource list is being kept would be very very cool!



New Member
Nov 7, 2015
Bit of a necro, and possibly useless now, but if you're using something like zonamadev, or building from github/core3, the resource manager spawn file has all the resources since the EMU started. If you want to start your server clean, then you need to delete the contents of RMS.lua and build again. That way, it should start fresh and the resource file won't have 6 zillion entries, only the new ones.
From memory /resource should also give you a list of current resources for the planet you're on.
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