Generate equipment with defined stats using an external web tool and an in game command. Features weapon generation and security features to stop the use of the command on production servers. Future features include better logging, armor and stim pack generation.
Generate Equipment Repository
Generate Equipment: Weapons Commit
For use by any AGPL compliant Core3 Star Wars Galaxies Emulators. Any projects that are not compliant or are using my (Tyclo/Sphazz) work without authorization do not have permission to use this tool.
I hold no liability towards the use of this tool, use at your own risk, bugs: yOu TeLl mE.
Installation Directions
Visit the repository for installation directions. Web tool is located in the /tools directory. Tre files is attached, or can be found in the tre/mtg_custom_001 folder. Please follow the troubleshooting guide before asking any questions, moderate Core3 knowledge required.
Generate absurd weapons for fun.
Weapon Generator Web Tool
(Dark mode included)
Download Link - View as RAW and save to HTML document, or clone repo and open generateEquipment/tools/equipmentGenerator.html in your web browser.
Open the HTML document in your web browser then enter or select the value you would like for your weapon, then select "Copy" or copy the contents of the output text field.
Weapon Ingame Command
Paste the output from the webtool into your chat bar and hit "Enter" on your keyboard to submit the command. This will generate the weapon to your inventory. If there are any errors or out of range values, a message will display on your screen.
To keybind Copy/Paste, open the in game options, Misc >> Keymap >> Select the Chat tab >> Bind both the copy and paste buttons to whichever bindings you prefer.
Character Builders
In order to use this command, the Character Builder Terminal MUST be enabled. This prevents the use of the command on production servers. You may disable this feature by removing or commenting lines 39 to 42 of GenerateEquipmentCommand.h.
No Trade
By default, weapons generated by this command are tradable. To make weapons untradeable, make sure your repository has the setForceNoTrade() function and uncomment lines 178 and 179 of GenerateEquipmentCommand.h.
Object Creator Tag
As an additional security measure, all weapons generated with the Generate Equipment command have the "Object Creator" attribute appended with a "Generated by (USERNAME)" tag.
Command Generated Tag
All weapons generated by the Equipment Generator have the colorcoded tag of (Command Generated) in the objects name to better trace generated weapons and identify such weapons in the user's inventory.
Future Additions
Generate Armor and Stims
Eventually a feature to generate armor and stims may be added.
Additional logging of all generated objects with the object ID and the admin who generated the object via the logAdminMessage() function.
Generate Equipment Repository
Generate Equipment: Weapons Commit
For use by any AGPL compliant Core3 Star Wars Galaxies Emulators. Any projects that are not compliant or are using my (Tyclo/Sphazz) work without authorization do not have permission to use this tool.
I hold no liability towards the use of this tool, use at your own risk, bugs: yOu TeLl mE.
Installation Directions
Visit the repository for installation directions. Web tool is located in the /tools directory. Tre files is attached, or can be found in the tre/mtg_custom_001 folder. Please follow the troubleshooting guide before asking any questions, moderate Core3 knowledge required.
- Copy the contents of the Generate Equipment weapon commit to your server's repository, minus the contents of the tre and tools directories.
- Create a tre, or include into an existing tre of the files of the tre/mtg_custom_001 folder, or download and include the tre file attached to this post.
- Regrant your character godmode permission with the /setgodmode command to give any existing characters the ability to use the command.
- Use the directions below for the web tool and in game command to generate a weapon.
- Be sure to /setgodmode admin your character, try a create a new character after installation if you are having troubles with this command.
- Ensure the character builders are enabled in the config file.
- Make sure that the tre file is properly included on the client and server.

Generate absurd weapons for fun.

Weapon Generator Web Tool
(Dark mode included)

Download Link - View as RAW and save to HTML document, or clone repo and open generateEquipment/tools/equipmentGenerator.html in your web browser.
Open the HTML document in your web browser then enter or select the value you would like for your weapon, then select "Copy" or copy the contents of the output text field.
Weapon Ingame Command

Paste the output from the webtool into your chat bar and hit "Enter" on your keyboard to submit the command. This will generate the weapon to your inventory. If there are any errors or out of range values, a message will display on your screen.
To keybind Copy/Paste, open the in game options, Misc >> Keymap >> Select the Chat tab >> Bind both the copy and paste buttons to whichever bindings you prefer.
Character Builders

In order to use this command, the Character Builder Terminal MUST be enabled. This prevents the use of the command on production servers. You may disable this feature by removing or commenting lines 39 to 42 of GenerateEquipmentCommand.h.
No Trade
By default, weapons generated by this command are tradable. To make weapons untradeable, make sure your repository has the setForceNoTrade() function and uncomment lines 178 and 179 of GenerateEquipmentCommand.h.
Object Creator Tag
As an additional security measure, all weapons generated with the Generate Equipment command have the "Object Creator" attribute appended with a "Generated by (USERNAME)" tag.
Command Generated Tag
All weapons generated by the Equipment Generator have the colorcoded tag of (Command Generated) in the objects name to better trace generated weapons and identify such weapons in the user's inventory.
Future Additions
Generate Armor and Stims
Eventually a feature to generate armor and stims may be added.
Additional logging of all generated objects with the object ID and the admin who generated the object via the logAdminMessage() function.