
  1. Aeryna

    Semi-Automatic Backup Tools for a SWGEmu Server 1.1

    - SERVER BACKUP TOOLS - BACKUPPER tool: Creates a custom backup to a ZIP file collecting the Database directory and its database tables from the server. INJECTOR tool: Imports the content from a backup previously created with Backupper. Warning! It's only compatible with files created...
  2. algebuckina

    Mod Manager for SWGEmu 0.1 pre-release

    This is the offical Mod The Galaxy Mod Manager. Features Easily enables and disables mods Imports TRE files to a mod folder Displays mods in the mod folder Reads swgemu_live.cfg file Launches game Let users choose mod order Writing to swgemu_live.cfg Making a new cfg, mod.cfg, and writing to...
  3. Tyclo

    Generate Equipment Command [Weapon] 1.3

    Generate equipment with defined stats using an external web tool and an in game command. Features weapon generation and security features to stop the use of the command on production servers. Future features include better logging, armor and stim pack generation. Generate Equipment Repository...
  4. Borrie BoBaka

    Borrie's NPC Maker Tools 1.0

    This tool and command combo allows you to take the visual appearance of a player character in SWGEmu, and convert it into a CDF file that can be used to customize and dress NPCs in the game. Your clothing, its colorization, your character's colors, facial settings, and physical attributes will...
  5. Borrie BoBaka

    ServerObjects.Lua Maker 1.0

    This little tool generates a "serverobjects.lua" file for every lua file it encounters in the directory it is placed in, with an optional parameter to add for subdirectories. To use, place the EXE into the folder you want to generate a "serverobjects.lua" file, and click the button to...
  6. Timbab

    [RETIRED] The Jawa Toolbox [Preview Release - Alpha 0.1a]

    This standalone version of The Jawa Toolbox has been replaced by the TJT Plugin for Utinni. The day has finally come where I feel comfortable releasing the first preview build of The Jawa Toolbox. It's still heavy WIP, so be warned. A lot of QoL features aren't in yet, hotkeys aren't...
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