Wolf-Eared Hairstyles Mod for Star Wars Galaxies

Wolf-Eared Hairstyles Mod for Star Wars Galaxies 1.0

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Wolf-Eared Hairstyles Mod for Star Wars Galaxies

Unleash your inner lupine with a collection of stylish wolf-eared hairstyles for your Star Wars Galaxies characters, adding a touch of wild flair to your galactic adventures!

Version 1.0 of the Wolf-Eared Hairstyles Mod only has 4 modified hairstyles for female hair but I plan on modifying and adding more to the mod.

Installation Instructions:
Extract the zip file to the same directory that the "SWGEmu.exe" is located.
The folder structure should look like this:

                         │                    └───mesh
                         │ SWGEmu.exe

If you have any trouble with the mod or have any ideas/feedback, let me know
sussyboi ModTheGalaxy profile page

Thank you <33
First release
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