
  1. Borrie BoBaka

    Borrie's SWGEmu Launcher 2.0

    Introducing Borrie's SWGEmu Launcher, a quick, deployable .NET Launcher that does not require any skill beyond simple text editing to set up! This launcher is designed to prove a very quick and accessible way for new servers to provide their new players with a way of downloading their files...
  2. Borrie BoBaka

    Borrie's Slot Definition File Editor 1.0

    This tool allows you to open, edit, and save slot_definition.iff files. HOW TO USE: Open a slot definition file, and click on the definition you wish to edit on the left side list. You can then edit the attributes of the slot on the fly. Save the file when you're done. INSTALLATION: Extract...
  3. Borrie BoBaka

    Borrie's FLR Collision Editor 1.1

    This tool allows you to edit 'FLR' files, which is the format used to handle collision data for structures and complex objects that have specific mesh-based collision data. This can range from gates, bridges, platforms, POBs, and much more. Because of the unique way collisions are formatted in...
  4. Borrie BoBaka

    Borrie's String File (STF) Merger 1.0

    This tool was created on request by MrObvious to allow the quick and effective merging of two STF files into one singular STF file. This tool will perfectly copy the entries of the second STF file into the first one provided, allowing you to choose whether or not it will overwrite existing...
  5. Borrie BoBaka

    Borrie's Skeleton (SKT) Editor 1.0

    The Skeleton files (SKT) in SWG are compiled in such a way that editing them in SIE can be difficult. While a proper plugin for a model editor would be more appropriate, sometimes it is simply easier and more accessible to use a simple tool like this to adjust a value of a rotation, position, or...
  6. Borrie BoBaka

    Borrie's Appearance (APT) Factory 1.0

    APT Files, also known as Appearance Template Redirector files, "Appearance" files allow the game to point to either a LOD or MSH File for static, non skeletal meshes for objects to reference. For every new mesh that is created in SWG, an APT file must be provided for it to work in-game. Creating...
  7. Borrie BoBaka

    Borrie's Asset Customization Manager Patcher 1.0

    In order for certain appearances in the game to be customizable, it needs to have an entry in the Asset Customization Manager file. Without the correct references, the asset will never be customizable, and remain a static color no matter what. This patcher takes in variables provided by a...
  8. Borrie BoBaka

    Borrie's String File Amender 1.0

    This tool was created to allow for quick and easy amending of strings to STF files in bulk, rather than having to add one string at a time. This also makes it easier to merge string files by providing a list of strings that need to be added to an existing file. HOW TO USE: Paste or manually...
  9. Borrie BoBaka

    Borrie's Lua Object Factory 1.0

    Creating Lua files for your new objects, especially if there is a lot of them can be very tedious to do by hand. This tool provides an automatic way of creating those files. This tool will generate Lua objects based on a list of file names provided. The tool features options to generate an...
  10. Borrie BoBaka

    ServerObjects.Lua Maker 1.0

    This little tool generates a "serverobjects.lua" file for every lua file it encounters in the directory it is placed in, with an optional parameter to add for subdirectories. To use, place the EXE into the folder you want to generate a "serverobjects.lua" file, and click the button to...
  11. Tyclo

    SWG Mobile Template Viewer

    SWG Mobile Template Viewer is an application containing screenshots of all mobile template appearances (Uniforms) in the MTG repo files. The purpose of this tool is to make finding uniforms and appearances used for existing mobiles a much more pleasant experience. About When making new...
  12. Borrie BoBaka

    Object Path Converter Tool

    Download Here Converts a string copied from a TRE Editor (like SIE) into a usable command as an admin on a server for SWGEmu. TRE Editors will display the client side path, which contains the prefix "shared_" whereas the server references files without the prefix. This simply removes it from...
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