cameraFarPlane=10000 # 'fog' distance where distant terrain stops being displayed
staticNonCollideableFloraDistance=400 # tall trees, 'Distant Radial Flora' from in-game Terrain Options window
dynamicNearFloraDistance=400 # medium-size shrubs and plants that don't move, 'Non-collidable flora' from in-game Terrain Options window
# TODO, want to find the .cfg setting for the option labeled 'Nearby Radial Flora' in the Terrain Options window in-game
threshold=7 # this seems similar to 'globaldetail' and/or 'hdterrain' options in SWGExtensionLoader.exe
forceHighThreshold=100 # not sure about this, seems like a distance related to the 'threshold=__' setting above
freeChaseCameraMaximumZoom=6 # allows zooming out further than default