Utinni is a client plugin and injection framework which aims to provide an easier access to client and content development for Pre-CU Star Wars Galaxies and more specifically SWGEmu.
The source code for Utinni can be found here.
The source code for The Jawa Toolbox plugin can be found here.
Utinni can be downloaded here.
The Jawa Toolbox plugin can be downloaded here.
In case plugins don't load, try to unblock plugin .dll files via the Properties window in Windows. A guide can be found here.
If you want to donate and buy me a coffee, or, since we're in corona times, toilet paper from the black market, I won't say no! You can do so by clicking here.
The source code for Utinni can be found here.
The source code for The Jawa Toolbox plugin can be found here.
- Gizmo implementation via ImGuizmo
- C# Plugin Framework
- C++ Plugin Framework
- Undo/Redo Framework in C#
- Hotkey Framework with rebindable hotkeys and a hotkey editor
- Settings handled via .ini
- Editor mode built in C# with Winforms, that natively hosts the Star Wars Galaxy client inside of a WinForms panel
- Custom WinForms form and control library
- Offline scene mode
- Game config override .cfg file
- Cmd passthrough for the launcher, enabling game settings being set via Windows shortcut
- FreeCam, including the ability to hide the player model (Only works in freecam)
- WinForm color themes (Almost done)
- Settings editor
- Game CUI Framework which allows the modification of existing UI elements and the creation of new
- Expanded FreeCam controls
- Setting to automatically attach Visual Studio on injection (Partly working)
- Particle and sound objects aren't targetable
- Placing a building object with a Terrain Layer (.LAY) attached, causes the terrain shader to glitch out. Reloading the scene solves it.
- Crash on adding Snapshot objects on terrain where no snapshot is loaded (terrain/simple.trn, etc)
- Potential bug where freecam controls stop working (Unable to replicate)
- Cursor is visually stuck in a smaller top left rectangle area when the window is maximized on game load
- CppSharp
- DetourXS
- dearImgui
- ImGuizmo
- LeksysINI -- Temporary, will most likely be replaced soon.
- spdlog
- James Webb (Sytner) -- Pushing me to release and being a helping hand when I get absolutely stuck
- Borrie BoBaka -- Being there and supporting me from the very start of the development, invaluable testing, bug hunting and quality of life suggestions helped forge Utinni into what it now is
- mezzanine -- Being there and supporting me from the very start of the development, testing and experimenting with plugin development
Utinni can be downloaded here.
The Jawa Toolbox plugin can be downloaded here.
In case plugins don't load, try to unblock plugin .dll files via the Properties window in Windows. A guide can be found here.
If you want to donate and buy me a coffee, or, since we're in corona times, toilet paper from the black market, I won't say no! You can do so by clicking here.
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