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Echo Base Themepark [Coruscant, Taanab and Hoth needed] updated 4-16-2021

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This is my complete Echo Base Themepark to share with the MtG Community.

Difficulty: ++++

|| Don't know what to do with that shity place plenty of bugs and void??. Don't look any further! ||

Updated 4-16-2021:
* Now the elevators from this old base won't work if you're being attacked.


* You need to have Coruscant, Taanab and Hoth planets to work, also like the new textures and sounds for the npcs.
* Add the new objects to Server (objects.lua / serverobjects.lua) and your CRC in your TRE file (misc/object_template_crc_string_table.iff).
* The conversations and many more things are in spanish. Then i guess you'll want to switch to your language... don't know.
* Echo Base was adjusted removing the interior bug areas (via Server) and exterior zones (Client Side), and preventing the access without its previous mission.
So you need to modify your snapshot to avoid access to the base. Copy and paste the new area from the snapshot to your (be sure you got a backup).
* The Older Rebel Outpost is missed in your client and Server because it's s self-made. Copy and paste the new area to your (be sure to make a backup firstly). Add the other points aswell if you wish to remove bugs from Echo Base.
* Change the different rewards to your liking. The system gives a Badge when mission is complete: Remove or add to your wish.
* These files add new esthetic for Hoth, like a new loading page, original ambience music and storm fixes.

Storyline: Mystery of Echo Base [Project 171A]

These events happen 17 years after Episode 6. So the Empire is the Imperial Remnant, and the New Republic exists...
These missions try to help an old High Imperial Officer after being retired many years ago from service for serious allegations.
He's a drunken old glory living in Coruscant. So you can meet him inside the cantina in lower district.

After explaining who he is, he sends you to Hoth, to explore the old Echo Base in search of data stored in some "supposed" important terminals.
He is thinking that information might help the republic to understand why a detachment of the Imperial Remnant remains there right now.
Later, when collecting that data, he'll send you to meet a friend in Taanab who needs help aswell.
His grumpy friend was another High Rank officer to the Empire but he's already retired like a farmer. The mission will be to kill a Norulac Boss who is harassing the farmers.
Later then, you'll receive a new mission from that old Officer: To collect the data from an old computer from an abandoned rebel outpost on Hoth.
He tells you he left the empire long ago due to moral issues and he lives like a farmer and a historian now.
The next mission will send you to the gelid planet again, to kill a high officer in charge of managing that occupation.

This farmer respects his friend, and still thinks what the empire made him was unfair. So, he considers the death of that officer might disorganize those troops and ,by the way, avenge his friend.

* Finally, he thanks you gifting his old imperial high command uniform (thanks to @Totor's French Community), and saying goodbye releasing his huurton to attack you. (this attack script is still under construction).


Thank you to Mod The Galaxy & SWGEmu Community.
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