RE: Sytner's Iff Editor 3
So i've finally gotten around to installing SIE but unfortunately i'm getting this upon trying to run your .exe ...
... Well, that TYPE of error i'm getting i mean.
I don't use 'vista' , i have Win 7 Pro 64 , But it's the same type of error i'm getting.
And i seem to have already met all the listed 'requirements' in your OP of
the other EMU thread.
And i've also already edited my 'settings.lua' and changed the useSoftwareRenderer = false, to 'true'
Obviously, i did something wrong cuz i don't see anyone else have this exact issue that i'm having (at least, not in the other EMU thread --- tbh i haven't read thru this entire modthegalaxy thread yet ) . So i might need a bit of IRC troubleshooting-for-dummies style chat, if possible.
p.s. I also already did the right-click Properties---> unblock thing for the .dll's too
p.p.s. Here are MY exact errors...
UPDATE: finally made some progress?? -->
*****************UPDATE AGAIN... FIXED IT, got SIE working finally now. THANKS and i'll leave this post up just in case it ends up helping someone else someday.
./tiphat, Nee