SWGEmu Core3 Multipassenger

SWGEmu Core3 Multipassenger 0.5

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I promised to release EiF's multipassenger system at Christmas, but life got in the way and this went on the backburner. I had a little time, so I pulled the code and assets required together for a public release.


The included TRE and the C++ code, as is, will allow a modder to make the Flash speeder multipassenger on a naked Core3 environment. If you are working with the MtG TREs or custom TREs, you will need to reconcile files to ensure nothing gets overwritten.

Functionally, this is modeled after SOE's rules for multipassenger vehicles. The driver must be in before any passengers can get in. Passengers must be grouped with the driver to enter the vehicle. The driver getting out ejects all passengers.

Recommended (and in a separate commit in the repo) is to ensure players dismount on either a login or logout.

In regards to TRE contents:
  • Slot arrangement and definition files are from the MtG TREs - if you are using the MtG TREs already, you don't need them.
  • The LAT and animation are also from MtG TREs and should be fine for almost all servers to use if they're not already in use. If you've customized the MtG LAT (for example, slowing down the animations), you should be fine to use your custom LAT.
  • The mount datatables are all built from stock 14.1 TREs. If you are using the MtG TREs (or custom TREs), you will need to add the passenger entries from this TRE into your existing mount datatables.
  • The CRC file is stock 14.1. It has only a single additional entry, object/mobile/shared_passenger_flash_speeder.iff.
In regards to the server code:
  • If you don't understand why I did something the way I did, change it at your own risk. This code has been extremely stable on EiF and has not been responsible for any crashes in over a year.
  • The basic method at play here is that a driver is slotted into the vehicle, but passengers are slotted into a seat object which is slotted into the vehicle. It works surprisingly well in Core3, but has a few bugs where the client occasionally thinks the character, the seat, and the speeder thinks it should be at 0, 0 on the planet.
Good luck. Feel free to ask if you run into problems, but I may or may not answer.

Known issues:
  • If the speeder doesn't move for some time, and sometimes immediately upon a passenger entering, passengers will see the speeder at 0, 0, 0 of the planet. Any movement of the speeder will show the passengers in their proper locations.
  • Speeders with passengers have trouble crossing bridges.
  • Passengers will not register with either active areas or a call like getPlayersInRange
Please credit EiF if you choose to use this code on your server. If you come up with a fix for known issues, please share it with everyone else like we've shared this with you.
Reactions: Aeryna
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*Excited fan girl scream*
This is probably one of the most missed features from the later versions of SWG. By sharing this, you've brought up the quality of life for every player whose server implements this functionality. Thank you. I look forward to it completely destroying my server by setting it on fire.
Multipassenger is great.
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